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Fibromyalgia Question And Gtt/insulin Question


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Hi again,

I know I posted this in the middle of another one of my threads, but I am still unsure about whether or not the insulin levels go too high? I feel like I have been told different things and am confused to whether or not my results were normal? Anyone know? :)

Fasting: Glucose 87 mg/dL Insulin 7.4 uU/mL

30 min: Glucose 189 no insulin tested

1 hr: Glucose 152 Insulin 193

2 hr: Glucose 70 Insulin 56.6

Fibromyalgia question: For years I worked with numerous drs. to find out medically what all was going on with me. About the only thing that I ever got out of it was that they worked to determine if I fit the criteria for fibromyalgia. All I ever heard was it was a diagnosis of exclusion, and none of the drs. ever actually made the diagnosis. Now I think I am actually glad, because it made me keep seeking answers and I found out it was actually dysautonomia etc. I feel like dysautonomia/POTS fits better AND at least there are some tests that can physically show that there are abnormalities. Now somewhat out of the blue one of my neurologists asked if he had ever discussed Fibromyalgia with me? He said it in a way, especially after proceeding to poke at me and get my painful reactions, that he believes that I would probably fit the criteria for fibromyalgia. My question is does a diagnosis of fibromyalgia hurt, hinder, or help with the overall treatment of dysautonomia and associated conditions??? :( I am not sure if it would be worth pursuing? I kind of feel like I would be taking a major step backwards... :) Any insights?


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I wonder the same thing. for me, an fm diagnosis probably wouldn't gain me much. my muscles are in spasm because of my eds, and my vital organs "stealing" blood flow from them, with my ans symptoms. And it's a diagnosis many don't take very seriously. so for now, i'm not pursuing it.

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I have severe myofacial pain, mostly in my neck, face, and jaw. It is not diagnosed as fibromyalgia because it isn't aggravated by touch, but rather just called "myofacial pain syndrome."

mkoven - what is eds? I am not familiar with this and am wondering if it might pertain to me.

ajw4055 - You might find this link helpful, especially bullet #2 under "what causes it?" http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/fibromyalgia-000061.htm

Best Wishes, Broken_Shell :(

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EDS is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a genetic defect in collagen that tends to cause joint problems. There are many different types of EDS (I have type III - hypermobile) and they have different signs. There seems to be a link between EDS and POTS - several members here have both diagnoses.

Try a forum search for EDS and Ehlers-Danlos and you should find more information.


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I'm no doctor, but those glucose results don't sound normal to me. My understanding is that fasting glucose levels are supposed to be between 60 - 100, and that non-fasting levels should be under 140. !86 and 153 sound like a spike. It seems like you are having glucose spikes and crashes (70 is also low for just two hours after eating). Did your doc tell you this was normal? If it were me I would follow up on this and find out why, exactly, this is considered normal in your case (since I don't think it's usually considered normal).

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Thanks for ya'lls replies. I do think that the numbers should show something... I also looked back at a GTT I had 4-5 years ago and my glucose #'s were like 83, 124, 74. They are a lot different now!!!

Oh, and I did call and got the endo. to call me back and asked her how it was normal etc. And she just described that it was a normal response for someone my age... blah, blah, blah... She did say though that it would not be inconsistent with reactive hypoglycemia, if I continued to have a lot of low blood sugar readings. I don't know... They are not helpful. And she didn't see any problem with the insulin levels...

As far as the fibromyalgia... I don't think it is anything I am going to pursue now. I was just curious of others experiences... ;)

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