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Polar Heart Monitor Issue


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I finally sprung for a Polar heart rate monitor for Christmas. Thankfully I have started to be able to wear watches again without intense wrist pain... I think the neuropathy progressed, so maybe not totally a good thing.

Anyways, I have worn it a couple of times, but have issues with the chest strap digging into my skin and causing some sores to develop. Anyone else have this? Any suggestions? For one I am probably sensitive to the material. My torso is the one area I still sweat, so... Not sure... wondering if I was the only one?

Also, thanks to those who let me know that the newer models don't have as big of an issue with electomagnetic interference from computer, tv, car etc. It was one of the major reasons I was holding out... My dads old one that I borrowed a couple of times had that problem.

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I think I've grown used to mine over the last couple of months...I'm only slightly red in spots and I have to find a happy medium, tight enough to stay up ok, but not tight enough to annoy.

Sometimes it slips off and is annoying, though.

I either use water to make it 'catch' my HR or water + some gel stuff I bought at the sports store.

Hope yours starts to work for you.

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I can't wear the chest straps ... annoys the heck out of me. I'm also not in need of "super accurate" all the time, but I do want something that has a continuous display. Because of that, I rather like the Prevention HR-180PV/MF-180PV Chest Belt-Free Heart Rate Monitor. But this new "light beam" technology is making strides (or at least getting picked up by everyone now it seems.) And there are a lot more products on the market that use it.

I bought one this week called the "LifeSpan Fitness Heart Rate Monitor Ring" from Amazon that was selling for $20. Same light beam that the Prevention device that I use. Have no idea if it will work when I stand up and move around. But it was cheap enough that I'd take a shot and see.

Good luck finding something that works for you.


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I have 2 types of polar HR monitor chest straps. I have an expensive "wear link" strap that is almost all fabric (woven metalic threads for electrodes) with just a battery bit at the front. That one is really comfy but the battery has gone flat and I haven't got arround to posting it back to polar yet.

The other strap I have is the much more common one with a semi-rigid plasticy front section and an elastic strap back. Personally I tend to leave the elastic strap quite loose fitting but put the elastic section underneath my bra at the back (front section goes just below the level of my bra). This way my bra stops the thing sliding down but it isn't tight enough to cause pressure problems.

Another option is to wear a snug fitting cotton garment (t-shirt / camisole), wet the cotton where the electrode bits sit and then wear the chest strap over the top of the garment.

Final option is probably expensive but polar do make womens sports bras that the chest strap fits into (only seen the picture in the polar leaflet).

Hope you find a way of getting the strap comfy.


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