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Does This Episode Sound Like Dysautonomia?

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Tonight I was listening to a visiting preacher who was passionate about his topic and almost seemed to be shouting at the audience. Anyway, while praying near the very end, I had my head moderately bowed and eyes closed. Suddenly, I popped my eyes opened because I felt like blood was draining from my head in the center of my forehead and between my eyes. I gripped the edes of my seat, which was three seats from the front. I knew something was happening and I knew I needed to lie down right then. I made the decision to get up and got my husband to help me walk out. I would have fallen on my face if I was alone. I was weakening, very shaky inside (but not like nervous), nauseus (always am), light headed, dizzy. A nurse friend came in and lifted my legs while I was on the floor. I recovered enough to leave within 20 minutes. My swallowing, which I have started having trouble with is worse tonight. I am also weaker and just don't feel well.

I knew today would be a little worse than usual, when I got up to go to the bathroom last night and had a near syncope episode which had me on the floor and then crawling to the bathroom. My muscle spasms have also been worse and almost violent in my arms.

Does my episode tonight sound like an episode of dysautonomia? I realize it seems to fit a pre-syncope episode. Might the "shouting" have been a trigger? I wasn't upset, but I didn't like it. What about the position of my head while praying? Could this have been a factor?

Anything sound familiar? Thank you!

Michelle F.

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It could have been the shouting or the position of your head either one. I had episodes often at church until I realized I was getting dizzy and sick to my stomach every time the preacher would do a long winded prayer. I don't bow or shut my eyes now and it is better. I think God understands and it saves alot of fainting in the middle of the congregation.

Loud noises and intense situations can also get to me. My brother and sister-in-law invited me to go on a pontoon boat ride a few weeks ago and while we were at the dock taking a break, a couple nearby started fighting and yelling and it got very heated...I didn't know them, but started getting very upset hearing it and had a small episode.

Maybe it was a combination of the two...

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Pat57- Thank you for the link. My neuro did warn me against looking up and crimping off the blood supply to my head which causes more severe symptoms, but the kind of episode I had last night is more typical of what I usually experience....a little milder. One of my two vertebral arteries does not connect. Though my neuro didn't call it bowhunters syndrome, I think it was what he was describing. Thank you.

lolo- Thank you for posting. I usually do not close my eyes because I feel more stable and less dizzy, but that is something I did different this time. I also think I lowered my head more than usual. I'm still figuring out what is good and bad for me. I guess that will never end. :) And, I guess it could be a combination!

Michelle F.

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