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More Questions With A Slight Update

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Hello it's me from my first post: http://dinet.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=10325

Just to note I did search for all possible answers using the search function on this website.

I have that monitor still attached to me lol, I just got prescribed metoprolol not for the heart beat rising upon standing with blood pressure as well, but for these weird episodes I seem to get, have not had them in 5 weeks and it hit me again I was like " I'm dying".

So the question is do you guys get anything like this and could this be a ANS issue, the doctors said it is not cardiac because no arrythmia even tho i have sent in premature beats before. All the ekg's show sinus tachycardia

Episode usually starts out with me Getting very nauseous I usually go lay down because I feel sick, I do not throw up because i cannot from a GERD surgery i had.

About 15 minutes after I get nauseous out of no where, my heart will go from 70 bpm to 210bpm in a matter of 7 seconds, I don't panic at all, but I can't breathe and my saliva disappears completely "nothing". My heart beats are very powerful, kind of like when you excercise. My heart rate will chill up that high for about 20 minutes and my hands and feet get really cold, sometimes hands go numb had one of my arms even go numb. When it's going on I feel every heart beat thumping out of my chest, as it is increasing i feel like my heart keeps hitting something when this is going on and it really hurts. To be honest tho, it scares the crap out of me. After it is over I start feeling a little better but I find myself zoned out, and extremely tired. about 2 hours I feel great like it never happened.

Any of you all have anything similiar to that? That episode i was describing is what had one of my doctors go white when I had it in his office. That is probaly the only reason I'm started to get taken seriously.

My Question of the day, What do you think it is? Winner get's props! :unsure:

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I call them adrenaline surges. I get them sometimes. Very nauseous, freezing cold (teeth chattering) especially on my hands and feet. White as a ghost, heart rate 160+, BP high (took it only once, 160/110). Severe stomach pains and (TMI) diarrhea. About 2 hours later, I'm good. No idea what's causing it, other than the adrenaline surge, so that's what I call it. It's triggered by changes in Temp or Exercise or (sometimes) nothing.

Best of luck to you. These are the pits.


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Is it dangerous? It always feels like my heart just wants to stop. It's yelling to me saying I want to stop, I'm saying back to it no don't stop :unsure:

I also have not checked my bp when im having it, frankly I cannot move if I move it skyrockets higher. My hands are always unstable because my whole body just shakes.

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Yeah, I get them too and was admitted to hospital but couldn't find any explanation for them. They put it down to stress and anxiety attacks which I knew was not right but had no choice until they realised I was having a drop inBP when standing up. My BP and heart rate would be through the roof and would just come on out of the blue. In fact they were so severe the hospital staff thought i was about to have a heart attack or stroke as I couldn't speak, going grey, and was numb almost all over and kept me under constant observation. I would get them a lot during the night when I woke to go to the toilet and didn't feel in the least anxious. I am more prone to them when I'm ill with flu or other illnees, dehydrated, doing too much, under stress, changes in diet/medication, eating high carbohydrate foods, alcohol. They are extremely frightening but I've learned not to add to the attack by realising it will pass and by deep breathing. An anti-histamine would help control them a bit for me but I get Diazepam now which calms them down. I've not had too severe an attack for a while now, I think the Midodrine I get helps with this. I think it is a symtom of Dysautonomia when your body has such a major reaction to even small changes whether they are environmental or biological in nature. The fact that I have not had a heart attack and my heart has been checked out tells me that it is very strong and will cope even though they are very scary and distressing when they happen. Drinking lots of fluids and high salt diet is good and get some medication to take which will calm them down, then you will cope better. God Bless, Helen

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Wow this metoprolol Is like working.... been on it for 2 days and now when i stand up my heart rate is top hitting 120.... but it's mostly staying at 108 no higher occasionally it will be at 83 so this is like yeah... I also feel more energy.

Note! I never had my bloodpressure drop when i stood infact it would raise. but my heart rate would also raise tremendously.

This is not the only solution for the standing and fast heart rate but it is a real start and now I'm excited :huh:

Has that medication worked for any of you all the same?

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