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Neurologist In Ct

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Just an FYI for those living in CT or nearby. I saw a neurologist for nerve damage and spinal cord trauma related to my car accident. I explained to him that I had POTS and instead of getting the usual "What is that?" or "You look too healthy to have that?" etc, he was incredibly knowledgeable about the condition. Now bear in mind that I did not see him for the POTS but for nerve damage, but he was incredibly through with his examination (an entire hour) and I hope to go back to him for my POTS once I get the nerve damage/ herniated discs/ stupid **** car accident stuff straightened out. His name is Lawrence Bluth and he's out of Hartford Hospital. Excellent Doctor!!


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Wow, that is an interesting way to find a dr! That is impressive that he was familiar with it etc. I hope he was able to help you with the original reason for your visit as well! I hope that the nerve damage and disc issues are able to improve and are not too bad, because that has to be awful on top of everything else. What all happened? Did it make your POTS symptoms worse out of curiousity?

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