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Posts posted by Beth

  1. Hi Lisa,

    My chiropractor has been my saving grace. When my treating Neurologist said, I really don't know enough about Potts to treat you," my Chiropractor went and researched, talked to other Chiropractors and Neurologists and has continued to learn as much as he can to help me with the POTTS.

    I suffer from chronic neck and back pain and the Chiropractor has worked wonders for me. Before him I was getting nerve blocks which were difficult and painful. Of course the help and support with the POTTS has truly been a GOD send. He is not an MD and cannot prescribe but, he has been able to help me better understand what is happing to me. Probably what has been most valuable is been knowing there is someone in my court who understands. He is able to use his craft and knowledge to give me a great deal of relief.

    You must be very careful when choosing a Chiropractor. As with all DR's there are good and bad. A good Chiropractor should be able to treat you in a set amount of time. Having to return once or twice a week without an end in sight is not a good sign. I also, had a near disastrous experience with a Chiropractor who wanted to adjust my back. Having had back surgery, adjustments are absolutely contraindicated. This guy never read my chart, lucky for me I new better and got out of there.

    Last December my 16yr old son was having horrible pain in his right foot. I took him to my Chiropractor who found one foot shorter than the other due to a twisted pelvis. He straightened it out then and there. My son walked out pain free. We had one follow up and he has been pain free ever since. Had we gone to the pediatrician we would have been referred to an orthopedist and probably x-rays and who knows what else before he would have found relief.

    I can highly recommend the care of a good chiropractor, but please be careful in your choice. My Chiropractor is here in Queens NY if you are interested I would be happy to post his name and address.

    Good luck,


  2. Hi,


    I have been on lopressor for 4 years. I started with 25mg. when I was first diagnosed with POTS in 2000. All my disabling symptoms came under control, although my hands did shake and my face would flush for no reason. I continued my normal life until July of 2003 when the lopressor was no longer enough. We tried doubling the dose but it made no difference. It is totally my own assumption that 2003 is when my POTS became "Full Blown" (still looking for a definition of that) or that is when the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms began. Not having a Doctor here in N.Y.C who has much expertise with POTS I work with an Internist, Neurologist, and Chiropractor to make my way through this confusing, confounding, condition.

    Some things I have learned about medication:

    Usually if a side affect is sleepiness I will probably be up all night wired. What doesn't make others drowsy are the ones that knock me out. What works for others conditions may not work for me and what works for me today may not work the same way the next time. And I can not count how many times I am told that I am the first patient to report new side affects to a medication.

    Sorry to sound so cynical, actually I feel extremely lucky to be one of those with a diagnosis. My heart goes out to all who are still searching.

    Enjoy the Good Days,


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