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Posts posted by bklynb

  1. Hi everyone....I dont yet know if I have dysautonomia but I think I have alot of symptoms....I also have mitralvalve prolapse so I dont know if that could be causing my symptoms...For the past 2 weeks when I stand up to get out of bed my heart feels like it is going to beat out of my chest....its awful and its giving me alot of anxiety...i took my pulse before I got up and it was about 58 and when I got up it went up to like 102 and beats very hard...if I walk around for a while it calms down but during the day when I sit and then stand my heart pounds....its not fast just very hard....Im not on any meds for this....I was on atenolol 25mg but they had to take me off of it because it makes my bp to low...I have suffered with this before a couple of years ago but then it just went away...when I had it before I was on the atenolol and I was still getting the symptoms....I feel very sick in the morning and then when that feeling goes away im starving...i recently stopped eating sugar so I dont know if that could be causing it.... sorry for such a long post but I really need some advice...

    thanks and feel good,


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