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Posts posted by labas_2u@shaw.ca

  1. Hi Lavender :)

    My BP jumps UP when I stand (a recorded difference of 13 diastolic) and my heartrate increases. I have labile blood pressure. For myself, it can also drop suddenly when I start moving around. My BP is all over the map..... ^_^


  2. Hi Becky :ph34r:

    I'm glad you're seeing a doctor soon. If he cannot find the reason, or can't help, ask him if it would be ok to see a chiroprator. I have a friend who has 'positional vertigo' About 2-3 times a year she sudden gets really bad attacks of vertigo. (can only crawl on the floor - totally unable to stand without vomiting and passing out) One visit to the chiroprator, and she is good for months until the next attack.

    Have no idea if this will help in your case but it may be worth a shot if nothing else works.....

    Good luck and keep us posted.


  3. Hi Sophia :)

    I had a hysterectomy when I was only 26 years old and it was the best decision I have ever made regarding my health!

    I definitley did not want a hysterectomy (way too young) and put it off until I required 3 units of blood after a 63 day period!! After a bone marrow, it was discovered that I had one of the lowest iron counts recorded at the hospital.

    Looking back, I can't believe I was crazy enough to let it get that bad :ph34r:

    My ovaries and cervix where left in mainly because I was way too young to go through menopause and I had no structural problems, just the constant REALLY heavy bleeding. I had it done vaginally so I don't even have any scars what-so-ever.

    Having a hysterectomy is a very personal decision...do you completely trust your gyncologist?? Maybe a second opinion is in order ( I got my second opinion from a hematologist) All the pros and cons of ovary removal were discuss at length....I left mine in and they worked for years until I went through natural menopause....

    Not for one second have I ever regretted having it done. I felt like a new person after about a month. :)

    Ask a lot of questions Sophia, and good luck with which ever decision you make!


  4. To my fellow Canadians........

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! :angry:

    To those south of our border......

    HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY!!!!! :angry:

    To everyone else...... :o:o:o

    JUST HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!! :blink:


    p.s. Garden is in.....great year for the vegies! Anyone want some tomatoes??? :)

    Frost is here and snow is a comin'..........

  5. Hello and welcome! :angry::blink:

    I work full time and I have to tell you it is not easy.

    I work at our local hospital (clerical) and it is quite busy but not that loud. I could not function in a loud atmosphere at all. On not-so-good days, the sudden ring of my phone can set off an episode of tachycardia that can last for hours........ :) . I cannot sit or stand for any length of time. Luckily, on my job I am able to switch these positions around as I need to. I am also able eat when I need to and guzzle liquids pretty much when I want. I could not imagine being in a job with really structured coffee/lunch breaks.

    Years ago, I worked in a factory as a summer student when I was in college. I know I could not work at that level ever again. Now I have go along with my body's demands to stay functioning at the level I am at. Some days, I am running to the bathroom steady because of my bladder. Some days constant flushing and brain fog keep me off focus and I spend the next day or two trying to catch up. Luckily, I am good at what I do (because I have been doing it for years) and have the experience to slow down when I need to and flip my job around to compensate for my body's weaknesses. It is a constant juggling act. :angry: . If I did not work at the job I am at now.....I doubt I would be working at all.

    I wish you the best of luck and hope that you are able to solve the working/not working dilema...

    Good luck !!


  6. John, does the hospital there have a pastoral care department?

    These people will come and visit people from out of town in a both a religious and non-religious way depending on what the patient wants. They are usually tied in with the Ethics committee of hospitals and they are great advocates for out-of-town patients. They will also inform you and help you with the problems out-of-town patients usually encounter.

    Good luck and please tell Linda to hang in there!


  7. I am suppose to take 50 mg Atenolol but generally take only 25mg or 1/2 a tablet if I am feeling not too bad. However, I will take another 1/4 tablet if I get the flutters, skips or tachy. <_<

    This generally works pretty good for me so far......(I actually got this idea off of another post awhile back) :)

    However....a new symptom should always be checked out and changing dosage shouldn't be done without your doctor's knowledge. Everyone is so different and I don't think you can/should go off and on beta blockers. :ph34r:

    lots of (((((((HUGGS))))))))). :):):):):)

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