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  1. Futurehope,

    I completely understand your skepticsm. By the time I tried the NUCCA approach it was my last avenue of anything that I could have tried.

    I have not written the Mayo clinic about my findings. I have not seen any doctors from the Mayo Clinic. I have had so many problems with doctors telling me that my only problem is anxiety, or later on neurocardiogenic syncope that I have given up on them.

    The only proof I have is that I know how I felt before the treatment, and I know how I feel now.

    Why have I not posted until now? Well, I have tried so many different avenues of things that were supposed to "help". It seemed like they might help for a short period of time, but never took all the symptoms away or fixed my problem. I have been seeing my NUCCA doctor for a year now. I have had enough success now to confirm that this approach works for me. I didn't want to come on here spouting that I've found a great treatment until I knew FOR SURE that it works.

    Why can't you find my earlier posts? Try looking somewhere between December 2003 - May 2004. I can't seem to remember my online name so I had to start a new account. I also had an old email address at that time which I have since gotten rid of that I signed up under. I would have been the one very upset because I thought we were going to have to cancel our wedding because I got so sick.

    I realize that for people with more serious conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos that the NUCCA approach might not help them.

    You've got nothing to lose by at least having a look at this type of treatment and it's philosophy of how a misalignment in your skeletal system can cause interference with your nervous system. It makes perfect sense and it worked for me. I don't know if I am allowed to post websites on here, but I wish I could show the website that I found that directed me to the NUCCA doctor. It's made by a guy named Greg Buchanan who had the same problem and found relief from the NUCCA doctor. I also wish I could give you the website to my doctor's office. It wouldn't hurt anything to just have a look.

    Remember, you're not talking to someone who doesn't know what you're going through. I was there. I remember feeling like I'm dropping in an elevator, I remember not being able to catch my breath. I remember feeling moments of paralysis, I remember brain fog, I remember despair, I remember feeling like I was going to die. I remember trying everything to see if it could help, I remember people not believing me because I looked fine, I remember all of this and I know what you're going through. It makes no difference to me whether or not you learn more about NUCCA. Your life won't affect mine. But because I remember how it felt to feel so sick, so hopeless, and so scared........it makes me want to help others and share the information that made me get my life back. Choose what you will do with the information I have given you. If you try and it helps you too, then you will get your life back. Still, this won't affect me. I have no motive other than wanting to help.

    p.s. I found my old posts...Jan30th 04 and Feb.4.04 under the name "Carmen" (which is my name)

  2. Last year I was here on this site searching for answers. My posts are likely in the archives. I know the feeling that you feel like you're going to die. It was happening to me every day. Doctors gave me attitude, others didn't understand, and I want everyone here to know that I know EXACTLY what you're going through because I was there! All I want people to know is what worked for me, and maybe it might work for them too.

    And as for the post after this one about the person who has been seeing a chiropractor for over 10 years......you need to know that I was seeing a regular chiropractor for over 6 months with no help. You have to see a chiropractor that SPECIFICALLY deals with the first vertebrae, whether it be the NUCCA technique or the Atlas Orthogonal technique.

    Look, I'm not some freak who's trying to play with your minds or sell something here. I'm just telling you that I know how I felt and I know what fixed it. I just want to help.

    I would like people to know it's real. That no could possibly want this disease or the negative attention it receives. That I would not wish my life and what it's done to my family on my worst enemy.

    And there are no magical cures carmella, but there are vulnerable people here, so please be careful what you post. morgan

  3. I would want people to know that 2 years ago I was suffering quite badly with all the symptoms of POTS. I found a chiropractor that specialized in NUCCA which is the first vertebrae and it cured all my symptoms! I have my life back, it's so wonderful, and I urge you, if you're at the end of your rope to try NUCCA, read up on it, and go to the website upcspine.com to learn more about it and read other people's testimonials about how it has saved their lives.

    Trust me, if anti-inflammatories help your symptoms at all, (or ice or exercise, etc.) then NUCCA might save your life too.

    Their philosophy is that your first vertebrae should be in line with the rest of your spine and with gravity. If you've had a fall, car accident, jarring accident at all in your life (I mean ever in your life, try really hard to think back! My symptoms started 8 years after being rear-ended!) then you would likely benefit from this. Anyway, if you've had some kind of trauma, or even major stress for that matter, your first vertebrae can go out of alignment. From there it irritates all the anatomy that runs through that area. For example, your brainstem and cranial nerves. It basically causes your nervous system to be altered because messages are getting blocked from your spinal cord/brainstem/cranial nerves to the rest of your brain and causes extremely uncomfortable, and in my case and I'm sure yours too, disabling symptoms.

    I don't know if this will help you, all I know is that 2 years ago my life was taken away from me by all these disabling symptoms that no one seemed to know anything about. I looked fine, all the tests the doctors did on me were fine (except for the tilt table test showed that I had "neurocardiogenic syncope" which has been magically cured by the NUCCA chiropractor, even though the doctor told me I would have to live with it for the rest of my life!).

    Anyway, if you're at the end of your rope, your life has been altered by disabling symptoms and you've been told that you'll just have to "cope". You might want to try this treatment. You've got nothing else to lose right?

    If you have any questions about my symptoms or me or my story about what happened (I found NUCCA after searching for a year on the internet about what could be wrong with me....I saw over 25 doctors and none could help me, this treatment saved my life!) please email me at herzogcarmen@hotmail.com. I would love to help.

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