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Posts posted by Texaslady1606

  1. I suspect most of you will think I'm nuts. But maybe POTS is playing funny tricks with all of us.

    I started taking Florinef about 10 days ago to raise my blood pressure. I started slow, so I'm not taking much, but it almost seems like my bp is lower after I take the drug, not higher! Shorly after I woke up today, for instance, my bp was 94/54, and now it's 88/50. It may not seem like much of a difference, as bp varies a lot. But normally my bp goes up a little during the day, not down (except at night), and I noticed this weird pattern for a few days. Could it be just a fluke or have to do with hormones and/or a minor cold I have, or does Florinef sometimes not work or work the wrong way? I dont' particularly care to take an extra drug like this if it doesn't help.

    BTW, I posted separately about my aldesterone working in weird ways, too (it's too high instead of too low, but my blood pressure is too low, not high as you'd expect with a high aldesterone). All this makes me wonder if my body is not so out of whack that nothing works the way it's supposed to.


  2. ;) I have been diagonsed with Neurocardigenc Syncope ,Anxiety Disorder, Gerd, bipolar . Have undergone surgery for the Gerd and a pacemaker due to several horrifying coding episodes while iat work, in the hospital and our home where my husband had to do CPR till EMS got there.

    I had never heared of any of this before so I am just begining the jorney of research. I am a person who wants to know why how the circle connects.

    Please allow me to question and share what I have already gone through and what is still occurring with the endless line of medications.

    I wish to Thank You in advance.


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