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Posts posted by Mandy

  1. :P I have found that wearing lightly tinted sunglasses in places that are too bright has helped me a lot! And, if a place is too overstimulating, or overwhelming, noise-wise, I pop in some of those little ear-phones (I think they're called "ear buds") and listen to soft music. It just tones down the environment and makes it easier to deal with.

    Also, don't forget to always bring a portable snack, like a granola bar, and a water or Gatorade bottle whenever you go out. That helps me too. I hope these suggestions help you all as well - put on those shades and be cool!! :D

    Best Wishes,


  2. Hi Chrissy,

    I'm so sorry you're having a diificult time. I think that if your boyfriend can see beyond any physical limitations you may have and loves you for who you are, you should hang on to him.

    You might have to slow down your level of activity and see if he can accept that. It sounds like you're concerned with the energy it is taking to have this relationship affecting your health. Is that right?

    Are you worried that you'll end up holding him back? If you don't percieve yourself as doing so, than he probably won't think that your holding him back with any limitations you might need to maintain to stay healthy. He probably just wants what's best for you!

    All the best,

    Mandy :P

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