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Posts posted by shelley-w

  1. Hi, I was wondering what kind of special testing you had done to check your adrenal function? A few years ago I was seeing a naturalpathic Dr. who did an adrenal test

    ,useing my saliva several times throughout the day. It came back low for the morning cortisol, low for SIgA, and borderline low for DHEA. When I brought this to the

    attention of my regular medical Dr.s they basically just rolled their eyes and didnt think much about it. I have had regular blood test which showed cortisol/adrenal

    function as normal. So was just wondering what kind of special testing you had? Thanks for any input you may have.


  2. Hi I was just wondering if any of you have taken the antibiotic CLINDAMYCIN and if you have had any neggative effects that may concern Pots?

    I went to the ER last night because I had noticed a bug bite I had got 4 days earlier had gotten a3 inch red, raised ring around it, and I was having heart rates in the 130's-140's

    while laying down. Usually rates are in the 80's-90's laying, occasionially up to 105 or so. I was not sure if the heart rate was up because of the bite or maybe the anxiety

    I was having about the bite. Anyway of course the ER Dr. new nothing about pots, she said I have a fairly serious bacterial infection of the skin called cellulitis, and gave

    me a prescription for clindamycin after reading the possible side effects (pseudomembranous colitis which can be serious to deadly form of diarrea) that can

    occur even a couple months after discontinuing the med. I am not sure that I want to take it. I know many of us already have digestive issues, mine are not to bad but dont want to cause a new problem.

    Also is the issue of dehydration which I do battle because of frequent urination. Doesnt diarrhea make dehydration worse? I did read that many antibiotics can cause

    colitis, but that it is much more associated with the above antibiotic. I get so freaked out whenever I read the information/side effects sheet for any new med.

    I'm going call my regular Dr. in the morning but she doesnt know much about pots, although she has read all the info I have given her. Hopefully I will be able to

    get a prescription for something I have taken before, that will help the condition Im dealing with now. If any of you have taken this med or know anything about

    it I would really appreciate any info or comments you may have. Thanks

  3. Hi

    My name is shelley, I began having pots symptoms in 1999 during my pregnancy. I was not diagnosed until 2004.

    I have been visiting here for a while now, and thought it was time to introduce myself. I am so thankful for this forum

    and all the information I have learned from you all, I have had many of my questions answered just reading all your

    posts. I am looking forward to chating with others who are dealing with many of the same issues.

    Thanks, shelley

  4. Hi Bluesky

    I'm new here and just read your post. I am about an hour from portland. My family Dr. found me a Dr. at OHSU in portland

    his name is Dr. Richard Bryant I beleive his speciality is infectious disease, but he seemed to know quite abit about

    P.O.T.S. and said he had a couple other patients with it, he knew many of the tests needed with pots and is very

    nice and understanding. It has been a couple of years since I've been to see him, but as far as I know he is still there.


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