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Posts posted by kitchmill

  1. The doctor was very thorough and I really liked her. She explained that my "slightly positive" ANA is normal for someone with autoimmune thyroiditis, but with my family history of autoimmune disorders she wanted to run the battery of rheumatologic blood tests anyway. She is pretty confident that everything will come back fine and that all of my symptoms point to fibromyalgia. Most of the fibro trigger points made me jump when she checked them.

    Also, I thought it was pretty interesting that she took one look at how my elbow bends (hypermobile) and started talking about EDS. Many of my other joints do the same, and my skin is very elastic. It doesn't seem like a very bad case but she warned me that I could easily dislocate something. She also mentioned that the hypermobility could contribute to some of my muscle pain. And of course she explained that EDS is a connective tissue disorder. I never really thought of myself as having a connective tissue disorder since I don't have any skin involvement but obviously there is much more to it than that.

    So she gave me some samples of Cymbalta to try for fibro, but also gave me the names of some other meds. She was very understanding of my chemical sensitivity and said she would let me try any of those meds that I thought would be best. I'll give the Cymbalta a chance, and then I go back in 3 weeks to go over the blood test results and whatever I want to do about the medication.

    She also suggested physical therapy, which I said no to for now. I did that for 3 months for my neck and shoulder and didn't really get anywhere. Not to mention that with working full time and 2 small kids at home, I don't really have the energy for PT right now. Maybe later. She outlined a very light aerobic program to start building up a tolerance so I guess I'll have to give that a try.

    I just hope something gives me a little more energy soon!

  2. I feel like I have "a little bit of everything." No diagnosis is definitive. Had the day/night sleep study and the results were "in the grey area." Not quite narcolepsy, not quite normal. My primary did some rheumatologic blood work, which was also crazy - ANA was positive, titer was borderline normal. I'm seeing a rheumatologist next week, but I feel like it will be another battery of tests with no answers. Just from my research, I would say Lupus is the closest match, but it's not clear cut. Just wondering if there are any rheumatologic issues that go hand in hand with POTS.

    I've been living a normal life for the most part, although I have always tired easier than most people, but now I feel like I'm in a steady decline. I just want to know what's going on and how to deal with it.

    ETA: after the sleep study, the doc put me on Nuvigil to help with the tiredness but I'm not sure it's making much difference.

  3. I was taking a liquid form of Vitamin D because I thought that was absorbed best, but maybe I'll try it in another form. The codliver oil + vitamin D sounds like a good alternative, since I recently started taking fish oil anyway. My doc told me that my HDL is low so I am trying to also bring that up.

    Dana, I was wondering about the parathyroid issues, but I just looked over my lab results and my calcium has always been in a good range. Always right around 9.5, which seems to be smack in the middle.

  4. I know at least one other person here said they had the same reaction as me... waves of sleepiness, different than typical POTS symptoms. My primary doc (the one who suggested I take the Vit D) of course had never heard of this. She even called around to some endocrinologists who also had not heard of this side effect. I'm trying to figure out what it is that's causing this intolerance. On the one hand, I won't take the D because of it, but on the other hand, I know I really NEED it to feel better. My last level was 17, so I'm guessing that bringing that up would help me somewhat.

    I also ran this by my neuro, who hadn't heard of it either.

  5. I think my biggest fear at this point is that they WILL find something wrong and tell me that it can be fixed with (more) medication, but I can't seem to tolerate the types of meds that are prescribed for this. Heck, I can't even tolerate my RX migraine meds... as I sit here now barely able to function from a migraine!

    I definitely do not sleep well these days. But the daytime fatigue is not new although these waves are new. Guess we'll just see what they say. I have an appointment on Thursday to meet with the sleep doc and discuss everything. My primary also wanted me to have a sleep study done (although she was in no rush for me to do it) for fibromyalgia. So one way or another I'll have the sleep study. It's just a matter of what else the doc wants to look at.

  6. I've been having these spells where I feel like I'm asleep on my feet, like a wave that just comes over me. It lasts for less than 10 seconds and I can continue a conversation through it. It's totally different than my POTSy episodes. No blackouts or tunnel vision. My cardio thought it could be caused by the midodrine and wanted me to go to the neuro to rule out any other problems (in which case he'd take me off the midodrine which I really don't want him to do!). The neuro wants me to stay on the midodrine, and suggested a sleep study to check for or rule out narcolepsy.

    Just doing a little research on the internet today, and I do have some of the symptoms. Restless legs, waking up with uncontrolled muscle spasms, and of course, the feeling of being asleep on my feet. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Anyone else diagnosed with narcolepsy?

    ETA: Waking up with headaches was another one of the symptoms.

  7. Where to start with my neck problems? Like everything else health-related and me, it's fairly complicated, and has pretty severe symptoms. I have a reversal of the lordosis from the anatomically correct position. Also, from around C3 to C8, there is inflammation and degeneration of at least some part of the vertebrae. Some have facet joint problems, and some have mild to moderate stenosis and degeneration of the disks. Also, all of the peripheral nerves that comes from the spinal cord are very inflamed and it causes great pain from the top of my head (the auricular and occipital nerves, when really irritated, cause a headache that is in every way, except for cause, like a migraine, including aura and nausea) to my shoulder blade. The ones that goes into the trapezii at the base of the neck and down to the shoulder are so bad that the muscles are in a permanent spasm. Some also affects my arms and go all the way down into my fingers, which then gets somewhat painful (mostly burning sensation) but somewhat numb at the same time.

    I've been to physical therapy, I'm taking muscle relaxers (although I'd rather not... side effects aren't so fun), and the next step is what's going to happen tomorrow (actually, now it's today) afternoon. I'm getting the first set of three injections in my neck, around the disks and the facet joints. They're doing it with fluoroscopy, and the person doing it has done it several hundred times. I am praying that this will work, because I will not take the next step, which is fusing some of the vertebrae together. I guess yet another diagnosis has brought up anger towards yet another medical specialty, this time neurologist. I went to at least two different neurologists, had a few MRI's done, put on a ton of anti-migraine medicine (none of which worked), and then sent off, after that didn't work, with yet another malingering and hypochondriac diagnosis. I'll stop right there before I go on a rant. :D

    Anyways, anyone else have horrible neck problems? Any advise on how to deal with that, on top of everything else?

    Wow, I could have written your post almost word for word! Same pains, migraines, been to PT, etc. I've also had trigger point injections MANY times, and once my pain got so bad that I concented to facet injections. SCARY! But, it did work to relieve the major spasms. Unfortunately, I'm left with the daily/regular spasms still. My next step at this point is to see my neuro. Had an appointment set up with her which got cancelled, so I'm waiting for my rescheduled appt now. I have no idea what to expect though. I'm just tired of all of the pain and migraines at this point. Everything that I've tried (migraine meds, preventative meds, physical therapy, injections, acupuncture) seems to work for a period of time and then I feel like I build a tolerance to it and I'm back to square one. ;)

    So, no advice, but I can totally empathize with your situation!

  8. So, I've been taking the D3 for 2 days now, and I feel like I'm sleeping on my feet. I keep feeling like my BP is really low, even when I'm laying down, but when I take it, it's only the usual low. I actually had to stay home from work today because of this! I feel awful if I get out of bed. This better go away quickly!

  9. I'm curious to know if you find something to help! I am pretty much in the same boat as you... POTS, CFS/FM. Although right now I'm suspecting Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm actually seeing my doc about that today.

    In general, I have my coffee in the morning (it's amazing what a difference the caffeine makes!) and take 5mg Midodrine 3 x a day. That helps keep the BP up, but does nothing for the fatigue.

    Good luck to you!

  10. I was just told today that I am vitamin D deficient. This was from my primary doc (not my POTS doc) who is checking to see if I also have fibromyalgia or some other condition. She suggested I take 4000 miu a day. I just ran out and bought a bottle of D3 liquid. Each dose is 2000 miu. We'll see how it goes...

  11. Every now and then I get these episodes where I feel like I'm asleep, but I'm wide awake and maybe even walking or moving. It's totally different than my POTSy episodes. It lasts about 10 seconds and then it's gone. I explained this to my cardiologist at my last appointment, and he said the Midodrine could be causing it and it could be a mini seizure. He wants me to see my neuro and see what she says. He also said that if the neuro doesn't suspect anything outside of the medication, then I'd have to stop taking the Midodrine. NOOOOOO!!!!! That's the first thing that has finally worked for me!

    Anyone else ever experience this?

  12. I think there is only one brand, but it is sold by several distributors. The recommended dose is 3 pills, 2 x a day. Right now, I am taking 1 pill, 3 times a day (because I am sick) but will probably just do 1 pill, 2 x a day when I'm feeling better. I can tell you that my shoulder and neck do not hurt nearly as much as they usually do already. And, it appears to be helping my sore throat (which is why I'm taking it 3 times a day for now).

    I'll keep you posted on my progress.

  13. A coworker recently told me about Wobenzym. She takes it for rheumatoid arthritis. After reading a bit about it, it seems like it would have great benefits for me... it's a combination of a natural anti-inflammatory and enzymes. Supposedly, it promotes a healthy immune system by helping out the GI issues and is also supposed to help increase red blood cell production.

    I started taking it a few days ago (a much lower dose than is recommended - even my coworker said she has chemical sensitivity and can't take more than 1 pill at a time). My constant shoulder/neck (coathanger) pain has greatly decreased. And my GI system has started moving after about a week of being totally backed up. I have no idea if this will keep up, but I'm going to give it a try! I figure that increased red blood cell production can't hurt since I'm anemic anyway. :(

  14. I've been reading recently that Botox is being used to treat migraines. I'm looking for any solution so that I don't have to take any migraine meds. Like many others here, I have chemical sensitivity and I end up with funky side effects from all of the meds. So, yesterday I found out that my acupuncture doctor does Botox injections for pain management. We talked briefly about use for migraines. He said that they inject it into the temple and forehead area, maybe the back of the neck, and it numbs the muscles that are usually contracting to cause the headache. He also said that it only lasts about 3 months, but I thought I had read it was more like 6 months.

    Of course, the problem is insurance coverage. Sometimes he can get it covered, but sometimes not.

    My real concern is that if I'm sensitive to chemicals, what would my body do with multiple injections of something that is technically a TOXIN? But I'm starting to get desperate. I do acupuncture, and have recently been going to massage therapy for my neck/shoulder pain, which is essentially where my migraines stem from. I just can't handle having these on a regular basis. The acupuncture helps, but that's not cheap either and it's a time committment every 2 weeks.

    So, curious if anyone has tried Botox, or knows anything more about it.

  15. I have used acupuncture successfully for migraines, but as others have mentioned, it is a committment. But it helped me go from 175mg of Topomax to 0! And, I rarely have to take migraine meds anymore for an actual migraine. My whole point in going for acupuncture was to stop the migraine meds because they gave me weird side effects (due to the chemical sensitivity). I don't mind taking occasional Excedrin though.

    My acupuncturist also said that with a few sessions he could get rid of IBS. I haven't gone for that yet, but he DID fix my period! He got rid of super heavy, long, cramps-that-make-you-pass-out periods! Love that guy. :lol:

  16. For the last few days (if not a week or so - who can keep track of weird symptoms when there are so many! :lol: ) I've been having a weird light-headed feeling. It's different than my usual near-blackout feeling (I don't usually fully black out). Instead of feeling like a blackout is coming on, I feel like I could fall asleep! It's almost like at that moment, I feel like my body is so run down that I could just collapse into bed and take a nap. It passes when I sit down for the most part.

    Anyone ever have this feeling? What brought it on? I haven't been getting the best sleep lately because I've had a bad round of migraines, but I don't think my sleep is off that much. Any ideas?

  17. I smoke occasionally, and have since I was in high school. But my POTS had nothing to do with this, since I remember my first blackout when I was about 8 or 10. I do find that sometimes the smoking seems to help my symptoms, but I also know that I need to quit. It's on my list...

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