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Posts posted by UnicornLuvr

  1. i can assure you all that my POTS has nothing to do with being athletic in the past! LOL!!! i have always wanted to do sports in my childhood/adolescent years, but could never succeed! now i know it was due to POTS... hehe, but now i am really overweight and basically unhealthy but would like to get healthy in that aspect... but like many of you say, the tachy kills me! i sweat so much when i attempt to exercise and just walking to the bathroom my heart feels like it will pop out of my chest!! :) .GRRRRRRRRRR!

  2. OH man, i know this is an old post, but it is good to know others have this too!

    last night was horrible! the sweat, nausea, tachy, rushing to the toilet for soft BM.... almost feels like there is something bad inside me that my body is trying to get rid of... anyone feel like that? i feel i need to go to the ER to get IV fluids, but have no ins. or $ so i have to wait it out, and eat a whole sleeve of saltines and sip water... it continues for a while, repeating the BM and sweating nausea and tachy while my bf snores away loudly not caring... i do know he probably cares, just doesnt understand... and has to work EARLY so i cannot blame him...

    i just truly feel like dying when this happens it is so scary and frankly, it *****! finally i think it settled down maybe 45 to an hour, and i fell asleep, THANK GOD! :(

    any remedies or advice? i am going to look into the adrenal surges like many of you suggested in the past, and also the hyperaderengic thing sounds likely... although i wish i would have had the energy, to take my bp hr while happening... but could not think of doing it....

    :) why do we all go through this and have no sympathy from the normal people in our lives.... it *****! if you havent experienced it, you have no idea!!! that is all i keep telling myself of my family for not being able to understand, or empathise... GRRRRRRRR!

  3. :) I am so glad to be here, with friendly people who understand!! and melissa, i love that you can ramble! Don't lose that!! ...so today has been pretty crappy! but, my days are usually crappy, soooo! i just hope things will get better one day. grrrrrrrrr ;)
  4. well, the stomach thing was unrelated, i believe... i just had to find a doc, and she was the one i randomly chose. her name is Dr. Kathy Boehm in Toledo, Ohio. she specializes in adolescent and young adult stuff. especially NCS and a bleeding disorder which i found out that i have... lol! she asks all of her patients a series of ?s from a check list of NCS symptoms, sadly all of which applied to me... but atleast now i know!! :huh:

  5. Hi there,

    My name is Danielle. I am 19 yrs old, currently living with my parents in Marblehead, Ohio, after having to drop out of college in December due to my health issues. I am (barely) living without any health insuarance...When I say barely, I mean I am barely living in general...

    I am very excited to have found this site!

    Last fall I was diagnosed with POTS and NCS, even though it is likely I have had it my whole life... It is a major relief to FINALLY know what is wrong with me!!! My whole life, I have been "sick" and no one could ever figure out what was wrong... Most of the time everyone thought i was just faking it, or crazy...I am sure many of you have gone through this!

    While I was away at college last fall i was very sick with a stomach bug. I had to find a doctor, and quick! I am so blessed to have accidentally stumbled upon the doctor who diagnosed me with POTS/NCS!! Of course I had NO IDEA what either was, so it was scary, but mostly just felt like there was hope after all...

    I look forward to chatting with and getting to know all of you! ;)

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