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Posts posted by dsingerman

  1. Hi. I am a POTS patient, 32 years old. My pots symptoms have never been that severe, I can still function on a daily basis. My husband and I want to start a family and I am weaning off a lose dose cymbalta (having bad withdrawal effects that no one told me about). I am curious to know other experiences with trying to get pregnant - did you stay on your meds? If so, what meds? Any issues with the babies once they were borned? Did you come off your meds completely? If so how did you feel?

  2. Thanks for the responses. I weaned slowly and i am still experiencing symptoms. The withdrawal effects are unbearable and nothing that I have experienced before. I am experiencing what my internist says are classic symptoms of panic/anxiety attacks with heart palpatations, "brain shivers", lightheadness and now "pins and needles" feeling in my face. Does anyone have any experience with how long this will last????

    I want to be strong and tough it out, but i am afraid I can't tolerate this much longer. Any experiences would help.

  3. Hi. I was diagnosed with POTS several years back and have been on a variety of meds (ie. Lexapro, Florienf, Beta Blockers). Most recently I have been on Cymbalta only 30 mg/day. I didn't experience any negative side effects when going on it or while on it, in fact, I felt great and had almost no episodes. I have been recently weaning off it as I want to get pregnant and the side effects of being off it are horrible - constant light-headedness, fatigue, almost vertigo like symptoms when I turn my head from side to side, and walking up and down stairs is the worse.

    Has anyone else experienced this and if so, how long did it last?

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