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Posts posted by bblovesdd

  1. Hi,

    Just wondering if anyone else has any experience with this. I started taking the pill (Yaz) last week and it's been a really bad week. I'm wondering if it's coincidence or if anyone has experience something similar.

    Usually it's a pretty bad week for me with irregular heart beat during that time of the month so I was hoping that by going on the pill it would help to control these symptoms a bit more.

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. It is possible.  We should probably all be having our 24 hour sodium done every depending on our situation.  There is an amount we should excrete in 24 hrs and also sodium should be I think 177 But chevk the info. thread and it gives the numbers there.  If you are thursty you aren't drinking too much.  Ask your doctor.

    what is best for you.  Miriam B)


    i wold love to talk to you about fitness and POTS. If you don't mind, please e-mail me at bblovedd@verizon.net

    I would really love to hear from you.



  3. Read to use ankle weights. Does this work??? Has anyone tried i??? What symtoms does this help with??? Thinking about going out to buy them today but did not want to do so until i got some feed back.

    Want to try all that i can before having to do the meds. The one that i tried made me feel sooooo dizzy.



  4. I have read two things about water. One was to drink al you can. A gallon a day if possible. I also have read that you can drink too much. Only drink abou a half gallon a day.

    Is it that each person has to find what is right for them??? Thoughts???

  5. Count me in.

    I havn't been here for a while, bu t ive had chest pain for about a 2 yeears now. I went jogging the other day and had it non stop, every time i jogged it would started, but i carryed on through it and seen it through. I take no meds and dont plan to either, ive been given beta blockers but i refused to take them. Anxiety again is my worst symtom, it follows everything.

    I have just been diagnosed with POT. I reaal want to try to avoid the meds. I was on Midodrine for about a week and it was making me soooo dizzy that i just could not stand it. What things do you do for your symtoms???

    I have lots of palps and I was walking around the mall today and felt like I was waking on a ship. Any suggestions??? Also while i was working out (aerobics) today i was having a lot of palps??? I love to run. Worried about getting back to that because of the plaps. Any thoughts???


  6. Hi,

      This has been shown to affect many olympians, and people who exercise alot.

    I think that we exercised brcause it made us feel better.  But we all crash the same.  For 10 years I was the fitness director at a health club in Wisconsin and taught 4 classes a day and did the stair master for 45 plus demonstrating the machines.  Was great until the great fall of 97.!!!!!!!  Give it time, unfortunately we must.  And ask questions.  Miriam ;)  :P


    i would love some feedback from you!!! Fitness is my life. I jus can't imagine being witout it or even slowing it down. I LOVE what I do. It is not a chore anymore. It is what i love!!!

    Have you been able to get back to it??? What tips do you have for me.

    Share with me some of your symptoms and what you do to help them.

    I was on Midodrine for only a week and just could not stand how dizzy it made me. I took myself off of it and am hoping to get through thi without the med. Is that possible. Should I have given the med longer than a week??? Would the dizzines have gone away???

    Please fill me in. i have been really down about this all day.



  7. I'm thinking you should add a ton of salt to that ton of water ... and wear compression hose!

    All the best to you,


    (PS the only med I'm on is beta blocker and ambien for sleep--but I also do those other things, and if I stay off the elevator, they help.  :P )

    What do you to to add the salt??? Do you take a salt pill??? Add it to your food??? Does this help with all of the symtoms??? i had a rough day today and i am really down about it. I need some tips to get me back enjoying the things that i love.


  8. Gena,

    thanks soooo much for all of your feed back. yes. I was diagnosed with MVP when i was about 16. it has never been an issu for me though. I get palipitations here and there and that is about it. As a matter of fact when i started to exercise that went almost completly away!!! It was about a month ago when i started to mention o my husband that my heart was acting up. Did not realize it, but he said that i had mentioned that to him everyday that week. I just thought what was doing on was just the MVP. When i started to have the blackouts I realized that it was something else. i though maybe a vitamin thing or something like that. When i forgot how to move my legs at ork one day it scared me enought to go to the hospital. After two trips to the ER I was finally admitted. i then spent 8 days thee until they firgured it out. I had every test that you can imagine. i am sure that you are familiar with all of this.

    EKG, EEG, CAT scan, MRI, MRA, stress test, and a bunh more I can't even remember what they were called.

    Well, i am glad to have an answer and to realize that I am not crazy here!!! The Dr. had me on Midorine. I really don' think that i was tolerating it though. i was only on it fr a week and maybe I should have given it a bit more time, but I just could no stand being soooo dizzy from it. I felt horrible on it. i am going to try just giving myself much more time for sleeping and drinking a ton of water and hopefully I will be able to work though this. i know that if the symtoms get worse i will have to be on the med, but until them I am thinking that I want to try it this way. Your thughts???



  9. No one that i know in th family has this. No virus or anything like that either.

    I looked at the syptoms and something struck me funny. Since March i have been seeing a chiropractor for neck and shoulder pain. That is one of the symtoms listed.

    Will this get better ever??? is there something that i can do to feel myslef again. Dr. has me on Midoine, but I think that is what startd me feeling dzzy. It was helping with the palpitations, but they were back today even on the med.

  10. How did I get this??? Did I cause it by trying to stay fit??? from what my Dr. said it is found mostly in tall thin women. Is that so???

    let me fill you in bit about myself. I am 32 years old. About three years ago i decided that i wanted to take off a few. I had been exercising for years, but stayed about the same weight. Like I said, about 3 yeras ago I really wanted to take off some weight. i was able to do that by exercising more. Much more!!! I succeeded in my goal and now I stay fit by still exercising a lot, eating healthy durning the week, and then treating my self to some junkies on the weekend. I just can't help but wonder if I caused this by trying to be too fit. I am VERY strict on mself during the week as far as eating goes and I rarly miss a day of execising.

    I realy appreciate your feed back.

  11. I just spent 8 days in the hosputal while they tried to figue out what was wrong with me and I have been diagnosed with POTS. I had never heard of this before and I am trying to see if my syptoms are the same as all of yours so I can know if i have been correctly diagnosed.

    Here we go. My heart rate will go waaaay up for just a second and then go back down. they got it on the monitor at the hospital going from about 60 to 168 wjen i picked up a fork. Instantly I was sweating. felt terribl for that quick second and then I was ok. Naturally they came flying in because they saw it go up like that and stuck the oxygen in my nose. I think they think that i have shortness f breath with this but I don't. Also in the hospital I was opening a jar and it went from 70 to 134.

    I went from doing 2 or 3 hours of excercise a night to not being able to last 2 minutes on the treadmill for a stress test without having my heart do a little dance three times in a row and having to change my gown because it got so sweaty.

    Other things that have been happening to me are I will get a palpitation and the my eyes go black. i have never passed out, but i guess when your eyes go black that way that is where you are headed. If i don't go black I get that feeling you get when you stand up too fast. Kind of like seeing stars.

    Please someone let me know if i have been properly diagnosed.

    I just don't understand. This came out of nowhere. I have had the palpitations for years, but never the symptoms that go with them that i am having now.

    Any feed back would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

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