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Posts posted by Diannna

  1. I just had that same conversation with my surgeon a couple days ago, and because of the incident during my surgery when my body bent an intubation tube, while I was under and I had an episode, I said to him that I was happy for that confirmation that it wasn't in my mind. He had to agree with me that it  is not, it is for real.  You still have those who refuse to acknowledge because they don't know how to treat what they don't understand.  




  2. I happen to have the opposite, I drink constantly , but instead of peeing it out it just runs out my pores in the form of sweat. I start with the tingles, and I better quickly find a spot to sit because I am about to have an episode. My heart starts racing, I get weak, I am about to pass out ,water starts running out of my body in rivelets, I am having a hear attack yet not according to doctors, just an underlying medical condition. I get so sick of hearing those words. All test comes back normal yet they are seeing the physical symptoms but because there machines can't pick up what is happening, they don't know what to do. I just have to make sure that I keep hydrated, or things get so much worse. I have had that happen and I don't ever want to feel that way every again. The brain fog, shaking, nausea, vomiting, no thank you!  I will walk with as much liquid with electrolytes as possible to never feel that way every again! 

  3. I'm but are ,I totally agree that my sweating is 24/7 .  You get hot then the chills , weakness like you are about to pass out, I also get the feeling that I have to go to the bathroom or I will be doing something on myself whether urine or #2. This is not a good life because you don't know when it will happen. I now wear incontentence pads for protection when I am going anywhere, as well as carry an extra t-shirt for when I soak the other one. That is how I have learned to get a handle on it. 

    How do others respond.

  4. Same here. I have been learning to work around this as much as possible, but when the sweating comes I can feel it coming and if I am out and around people that is when it becomes a problem because they think I am having a heart attack, or that I have COVID.  Even when I go to my primary care doctor and I am checking in and I have an attack the receptionist start panicing, even when I say it is from my condition they want me to wait outside of the building until I am called. This gets really frustrating.

  5. I so agree I can feel the heart fluttering ,but when they attach the monitor it does not suit it. It did it for 24 hour s but not for the month. I do the stress and they can see the physical results but the machine shows nothing. They know something is wrong but they don't have any thing on paper to prove it. And the cop out is that they don't have all the answers. This I already know. Don't look at me like I am crazy.

  6. The sweating is very annoying for me since it happens with rhyme or reason, bringing with it dizziness, nausea, blasting headaches, feeling like your bodily functions is about to explode, can't move because you are afraid of passing out. Having this happen 2-3 times in the space of an hour and half all day and night very frustrating, because you can't sleep. Then you go from hot to chills.

    Combine this with fibromyalgia, neck pain and lower back issues, knee issues all at the same time.

    Can someone please tell me how to get some relief? Yes I am coping but would love some feedback!

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