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Posts posted by sunisshining

  1. i had a sleep study but they just said i have sleep apnea, too. But, i just got the results, so yeah. but i'm sorry you are feeling so icky. but i too feel icky in the morning! feel better!

    let me know if u need anything..or if u have any other questions. u can always send me a message, too.

    hugs, love, and prayers,


    and they are soooo not fun - u have to sleep with a tube down your nose and throat and all this stuff on and you smell like the hospital even after a few showers later. i came home from my sleep study and slept 6 more hours. :blink:

  2. hey all,

    well, i hope you are doing as well as can be expected..or better..that'd be cool too.

    So, the lexapro was/is the culprit of the nausea and vomiting! :angry:

    started it friday night once my stomach was all better. by saturday night after i took it again...last night i threw up five times. and this morning again...last night i threw up my nausea pill. so i had to call the health center again to see if they could get me some more nausea medicine just for the rest of the weekend...they wanted me to come in, but seeing as i'm at home, that couldn't happen. so they prescribed me some more and NO MORE lexapro. as one of the ladies on the phone said, "that stuff just really doesn't agree with you."

    so, i got some more nausea medicine and held it down, and i've been able to hold down some simple stuff so far. it has helped and i am currently trying to keep down some simple food that i just ate.

    tomorrow i am supposed to go see my doctor at the health center again. sigh

    I wonder what is the medicine they're gonna give me next for my pots? i mean, is there a possibilty that i'll react that way to all of them? cause i don't like throwing up!!! :angry:

    and i was supposed to go back to the cardiologist this week and get another holter to see how the lexapro was working...well, that's not gonna happen (but doesn't upset me cause i don't wanna see the cardiologist). but i guess i still need to get the echo done this week <_<

    well, just wondering if i'll be put on another bed. isn't lexapro supposed to have the least side effects? are the antidepressants the best at treating pots?

    well, sorry for all of the questions and long descriptions.

    love u lots.

    sending u hugs, love, and prayers,


  3. welcome melissa!

    sorry you've been so sick. my issues started in middle school too! we're like twins...well not really..you have been thru a lot more than me, it sounds like that's for sure.

    i'm really sorry u've had to go thru this.

    yeah, don't worry about posting all the time. i am a postaholic while i'm well enoiugh to type because i want to answer every post cause i want to help others and everyone has to hear my complaints! but no worries. if u rn't up to posting, u can always just send one of us a personal message letting us know you're okay/alive but just resting! but only if you'd have time and would be gone like for an eternity.

    i'm so glad you've joined!!! yay!

    i'm sending prayers that u can stay out of the hospital untilt he 2 week stya and i pray that that will be helpful and not too...hospital-y.

    feel better.

    hugs, prayers,love,


  4. umm, i feel like if u have a doctor who doesn't know about lyme disease, maybe you need a different doctor. cause shouldn't that be in their basic training or something? are u anemic...cause if u can't tolerate blood being drawn maybe that's why - cause u already don't have a ton of blood in u. my general doctor always tries to take as little blood as possible cause she knows i tend to be anemic.

    i don't really know much about lyme..but maybe google the keywords: lyme disease long term antibiotics.

    and then u'll probly get the pros and cons

    just a thought.

    good luck!

    you're in my prayers!

    prayers, hugs, and love,


  5. Hi Steven,

    welcome! sorry you're sick :D I'm 18 and a girl! actually, i just turned 18 and A HALF yesterday! woohoo! okay, off-topic, sorry.

    yeah, i've tried so many things - eating healthy, exercising, even tho i wasn't overweight. i used to have high bp, also.

    mine was like yours at times but no one thought anything of it - they thought it was cause i was lying down too much or that it was normal. turns out i have pots.

    it won't kill you (unless u try exercising alone, pass out, and hit your head or pass out in the middle of a busy intersection). not that this will happen, but i'm just trying to help keep you from trying to exercise even when you physically can't. cause i've done that before and it turns ugly - even if u don't faint...it gets REALLY ugly and puts you in the deepest hole EVER.

    i would say, go to the next town over. i've barely had luck with dr.'s in the whole northern california area, so don't get too frustrated yet.

    where do u live?

    maybe first call places to see if they know what pots is and if they treat it.

    good luck.

    i'm praying for you!

    prayers, hugs, and love,


  6. Hi all,

    i'm soooooo sorry that all of you are in the pots hole. :( it makes me sad. i would say i'm not good/great but i'm not at my worst. i'm half way in, halfway out, which is a victory in itself, i think. plus i think i gave u all enough detail in my humungous post last night...sorry bout that


    hugs and prayers to all of you.

    love you lots,


    and keep me updated, okay!!! you can send personal messages, or whatever, but i LOVE hearing updates, i can promise u that (and you hear enough of mine!) :D

  7. Hi Amy,

    I am really sorry you are having horrible muscle cramps. it is sooooo painful. i think i mentioned in like my intro post that i get those. no fun! :D I'll be praying for you. if your cardiologist is anything like mine, don't ask him/her (just to save yourself being treated rudely). I think it is worth askiing your gp. maybe there's something they can give you. i know sometimes i'll get it and be up until 4am (it goes from my belly button to my toes) and only becomes tolerable a few hours after taking tylenol if it does. So, i feel for you, but yours sounds really horrible :( i'm sorry :(

    Well, I do know one thing: (and i'm knocking on wood as i'm saying this) i haven't had bad muscle cramps - i've barely had any - since i got an iv. and i had been having cramps for like months before the iv. maybe a coincidence. i don't know.

    so, maybe drink lots of gatorade. the mango flavor is the flavor that doesn't make me feel like i'm going to puke.

    other than that, i found stretching helps, but when you're beyond exhausted that's kind of a pain..but you can do it slowly and gradually. warmth is good, but when i take a warmish bath then my pots acts up bad and it's not worth it.

    but cramping is horrible because it feels like the nerves went wacko and got struck by lightning and it's AWFUL! i'm sooooooooooooo sorry!

    one of your doctors should care. if they don't, maybe look into a new doctor. you could always fess up to your gp and say that you sometimes don't want to say everything that's physically bothering you in fear of not being able to be helped or being not taken seriously. of course, my cardiologist thought that was tmi (too much info), but your gp shouldn't - cause that's his/her job..to take care of all of you. and if he/she can't help, he/she should send u to someone who can.

    if no doctors can help (i do believe tho that someone will be able to help this) you can try acupuncture and all that stuff. many people swear by it. so, your hope is not up. it may seem like it, especially when you have another symptom piled on to the already numerous conditions you are dealing with, and that is completely (more than) understandable.

    you're in my prayers.

    good luck.

    i hope you find some relief. have you considered taking some tylenol a while before you go to bed so it doesn't get too bad. also, fyi: i was given anti nausea medicine for my whole vomiting spell. one time when i took it i was also starting to get horrible that time of the month cramps but then that medicine completely helped them. one of my friends said it made sense...i don't know, but maybe there is some medicine that can help u. the only prob is that that medicine zonks you out - unless u take a fourth of the pill.

    hugs, love, and prayers,


  8. hi carolyn,

    sorry you are feeling so sick. it's not quite the same, but i remember when i had to be put on independent study my last half of senior year. the decision was kind of made for me by my parents and doctors, but i couldn't really disagree because i was so weak and sick. since i don't know about disability stuff, i can't really help that much, but i do know that where are you going to get if you keep on pushing on the gas when there's no gas in the tank? it's going to damage the transmission (or engine...i forgot what my dad told me). So please do take care of yourself. I feel like you need to be able to go at a tolerable speed/pace every day instead of trying to fly during the week and then crashing and burning. about no quality of life - work and sleep is what you mean, right? been there, done that for school, but not work, but i feel for you!

    you're in my prayers!

    please keep us updated!

    hugs, love, and prayers,


  9. Hey,

    there aren't that many doctors i have confidence in. i always go in trying to not expect much help. that way i don't get my hopes up for nothing if they provide no help or are rude. it doesn't make that easy, but, i guess it's better than crashing down, emotionally.

    well, i think that it seems like she's at least done autonomic testing. shoot, that's more than i've gotten (well, i've gotten orthostatics done). but at least she knows of this stuff. (at least it seems like it..). that doesn't mean she'll be understanding, but it's a head start. at least, if she doesn't work, you'll have much of the testing done for another doctor. you will find a doctor who will help u eventually even if this doesn't pan out and at least you have much of the tests done already. it's not complete step one. but, i no this doesn't help much cause i have been in a similar position (fearing what the doctors are gonna do and fearing being thrown out to the wolves again..or not wolves, but..whatevs).

    well, i need to pack my stuff for going home. i don't think this post has been that helpful. but what time is your appt on mon? i'm on west coast. i'll pray for you all weekend and during/before the appt. okay? and even if the doctor doesn't help much, you always have God and He knows what He's doing and He'll take care of you? okay. and you can pray in the waiting room or even in the room itself. that's what i do. cause doctors come and go but God doesn't...and He is who gives the doctors all the good stuff they know. so ask Him to give them the power to help you. but He knows when is the best time for you to be healed. it can be frustrating and TRUST ME - i don't think it's easy. listen to me when i call my mom, whimpering or flat out crying.

    hugs and love and prayers,


  10. Hi all,

    so, here's the news:

    my general doctor at the health center talked to BOTH of my parents like forever on the phone. she thinks i was catching something just as i was starting to feel tired from the pots, too. because my red blood cell count went down again. she said this can happen when you are fighting something especially since i don't have iron stores, yet (even tho the cardiologist said i did..i think..but i don't listen to him from last weekend on -this is what i'm saying, not my gen dr...lol). so my dr. also said that i was just hitting a low point and that she did notice i had lost weight. i didn't look horrible, but she could tell. (i actually can't tell and can never tell about my weight..i only acknoweldge it when people tell me ...but i really can't tell maybe because i don't look in the mirror much). so, she also said that she wrote the letter to the disability place and that she called my cardiologist AT HOME to figure out if he'd sent the documentation to the disability center. he said he dictated it to his secretary and it should've been sent. so, she said that she would try to ask the drc why they still needed his (she's the head dr. at the student health center). and she told my parents that when my stomach gets better again (it's there - i'm back to normal food!!!!) i need to take my iron again cause i got anemic again because i don't have iron stores so as soon as my body starts battling something, my blood cell count will get low. sigh. she also said that for me it would be best to restart the lexapro at the low dose once my stomach is better (to see if it is what makes me sick or if it just pushed my nausea over the edge once i had already been catching somethiing). she said that if i take it at a higher dose it can start working pretty quickly, almost immediately since she treats people for depression with it but she says she thinks since i'm probly sensitive to it, we'll start at the low dose again. but that if i ever need anything to ask her and she'll help and, yeah. and that she doesn't like the quarter system cause when kids get sick they really get so behind in school and don't have time to take care of themselves.

    so, as far as my sleep study, i'm bummed - i have mild sleep apnea. had to go for their "surgical consult" that they wanted me to go to. apparently normal episodes of stopped breathing is under 5 per hour, and i had 12.5 per hour and mild is 5 to 15. so they want me to try sleeping with this mask that blows air into my nose for two months. and if it helps they can consider nose surgery. but that there doesn't seem to be a problem in my throat except maybe my tongue is big..i dunno. the surgeon came in for two secs, gave me his order, and left. it was raining and cold, my sis got a flat before we left my dorm parking lot so i had to ride my bike and got so even more exhausted to go there and hear the great news. at least i don't have bad sleep apnea, but i DON'T wanna sleep with an air mask....GRRR. but i don't want surgery...especially since i'd have to have this mask 2 months and i get it in july when i have to stay overnight and they "titrate" it to get the right pressure for me.....grrrrrrrrrr. that'd mean that if i have to have surgery then it'd be right around when school's starting. but i could have it over winter break. i mean, they say sleep apnea gets worse with age, but i hope i'll just get better once my pots and anemia get treated and i can forget about the sleep apnea. i mean, it's mild. oh...and i have to sleep on my side..like that's gonna happen - i always fall asleep on my stomach. i can try, but i only fall asleep on my stomach unless i am so tired i can't move and then fall asleep on whatever position.

    this is getting long.

    i was gonna go to a couple of my friends' softball game. my friend is starting pitching tonight! she is 13-2 and has a really low era (earned run avg). they are so nice and supportive. but i was too tired and it's freezing outside. i was gonna try and go anyhow cause i love them so much, but our other friend convinced me not to and that my friends would rather i rest ( i knew that but wanted to try anyhow). so i'm lying on my bed. i'm going home this weekend! i will miss my friends, here, but i will love the couch at home and my own bed. i guess i also won't be tempted to do stuff that will make me..collapse. i love my friends sooooo much. i went to classes today and got so exhausted but liked it cause i've missed classes. my TA for one of my classes was soooooooooooo nice and my other teachers are cool too. the psych profs are probly the least understanding - go figure...lol

    so, anemic again, pots as always, and mild sleep apnea (that maybe i'll just ignore?..i don't wanna have it. i don't wanna have anything, but a mask? surgery? and they might not even work. but i guess i have to try. i'll talk with the 'rents (my parents), tho. they always know the answer...or....well, they know the right gut instinct.

    so i'm resting. have decided i'm gonna be behind on work all quarter but oh well. i need to stop telling myself "catch up!" cause it's not gonna happen cause i barely have the energy to not fall more behind. but i am better than i was, so i'll think of the positives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and i have a feeling i'm doing much better than lots of you, so i won't complain!

    but i've really learned to love life so much. i mean, think about it: there are so many beautiful things full of love - friendship, family, God.... oh some of my friends from my bible study brought me a journal and a card last night! so sweeet!


    i'm tired and should stop wasting energy typing..i've typed too much, but ur way more than worth it.

    i hope u are all well. if u want to update me about how ur doing, please do. u can always send me a personal message, tho, too! i like hearing how everyone is doing and then i can pray for you, too!

    sending you love, hugs, prayers,


  11. I'm sorry linda joy. i hate it when doctors are ignorant. the er visits in my past is where i've found the most concerned doctors, but i would never want to go again just cause i hate going to the doctors even if i am really sick. i don't go until i'm in such bad shape that someone forces me to go. but even still doctors are annoying.

    whatever the case. i know it's hard, but don't even LET the way that doctor treated you make u think it's a reflection of you. i always start doubting myself after confronting ignorant doctors. but, just cause they're doctors doesn't mean they are smart or have bedside manner. they're just like normal population as far as that goes. actually, i think they tend to have bigger egos..not all, but, whatevs.

    anyhow, i'm praying that you don't have any more episodes.

    also, why don't u have your primary doc contact the er so they will know what u have is bonafide (sp?) and they know your records, etc. cause if she wanted u to go there so badly, she needs to help out.

    and i'm praying that the way that this doctor cruelly treated you doesn't tear you up too much, or at all.



  12. sorry about the migraine. those stink! bummer! but i'm glad it went away and i'm glad u got it thru the presentation. i got a 73% on my test. meh. it's better than i thought i'd get. and even if i get a bad grade in the class i can always retake it. but i did it!! yay!!!!!!!!!

    love u lotssssssss!!

    keeping u in my prayers!

    and congrats on the presentation!



  13. hey jlb,

    good luck tomorrow. i'll be praying for u and sending u moral support? what time is your presentation? i'm on pacific time. yeah, i don't always keep my spirits up - it's not healthy. mister rogers always said "no one can always be happy." and that's true. and i still love mister rogers...sorry, off-topic. oh, the mosquito didn't bite me (yet)...i think it flew outside overnight.

    as far as the presentation: you will do the best you can do. and the fact that u will still present when you are sick shows how important the topic is to you and how important it should be to others. if you absolutely can't do it, then reschedule. fyi: i was having a temporary meltdown today thinking i was just gonna drop psych and not go and take a test that i was going to fail and that was just going to make me more exhausted..so, parents came to the rescue. at first i got frustrated cause they were saying "do what u want, but i would try to take it." but i'm so glad they forced me to - i couldn't sit up during it, really..i had to put my head down and do the test that way and then that got tiring, so i just leaned back really far in the seat. but i did it. i actually almost feel asleep when i finished and by the time to lady came in to get it from me i was almost drooling. but it wasn't that bad. i think i passed, at least, i hope. but i did it. and i feel tha tmuch more proud of myself. however, if i wouldn't have done it, oh well, i'd still be cool. but i'm just saying that whatever happens, happens and will turn out fine. the lady saw how tired and sick i looked and felt and told me to go home and sleep. moral: your dedication shows even if you feel like the soggy breakfast on dishes in the sink that are still there before dinner.


    good luck!

    love u sooooo much more than lots.

    love, hugs, prayers,


  14. Morgan,

    i didn't think your post was rude at all. it actually made me feel more welcome. i think i was and still am too out of it to understand quite what went on in the original post response that confused/upset us. I still don't get it, and i was just going to try to give the board some space for a while. I didn't mean to be complaining too much about my problems and i have a hard time picking up on sarcasm (especially when it's written) so i wasn't sure what was going on and still am not.

    whatever the case, i'm really tired and need to take my psych test in an hr and a half or else i'll be forced to drop the class even though i haven't had the time or energy to study for it. which doesn't make sense to me because i think they should just make my other tests be worth more of my grade than having me waste energy taking a test i'm going to pass, at best, and i'm going to fall more behind on the material...not magically *catch up* once i've taken the test. so, i'm going to rest, since studying won't really do me and good, and hope i can make it thru the test without having to lie down! (not that i would..i'd just quickly choose some random answers..kind of).

    but apparently my mom is going to have my general doctor speak directly with my teachers since there has been a delay in getting my paperwork together and the disability center hasn't been much of a help....

    at least i'm eating better and holding stuff down (still simple-ish stuff, but larger quantities and i had some peas at lunch, too!)

    hope i didn't complain too much, but know that i never mind hearing what's going on with all of you!!! you can even send me personal messages!!

    love and hugs and prayers,


  15. hey kathy,

    thanks for your concern. today i actually have been able to hold down tofu, rice, pasta, apple sauce, and banana. and i've had gatorade and some apple juice (diluted, tho).

    i have been diagnosed with pots by a cardiologist but no tilt table test. but holters, ekg's, and i've had an echo in the past and am scheduled for another.

    my dr. at the health center is actually like the head doctor there and is in charge of it...cause my parents had to call once, upset, when a nurse on the phone told me that i didn't need to see a doctor that soon to start treating my anemia cause iron takes a while to work anyhow....and my blood counts were pretty darn low, according to the dr.'s. and now she takes care of me.

    i've been gradually getting better. only had to use the antinausea medicine once todya and only a fourth of it. and yes, my dr. checked me for other stuff and said if i get bad again or get worse, to go back in or call.

    But thanks for your concern. but my dr. gave me a prescription for zantac to heal my stomach cause it works faster, she said.

    when i went to the clinic on sunday, there was a nurse practitioner, and they gave me an iv so i wouldn't have to go to the hospital (there's the student health center and then there's stanford hospital) and then they had me come back early the next morning to see my doctor and i was there a couple more hours.

    i'm also being referred to an internist at stanford hospital/one of the clinics there. apparently there is one dr. in the cardiology dept. who is their expert on pots and stuff and that's who they talked to and who helped them realize i have pots.

    sorry - i don't think i was clear enough that i have been better as far as keeping food down and how i'm eating today! yay!

    i have been diagnosed with pots but i have also been referred to a neurologist cause they think there may be other issues going on (i don't think so and i've already been to a neurologist at children's hosp who was really helpful), but i will go.

    and i did a sleep study...haven't gotten results back. they seem convinced that i have sleep apnea..i'm not so sure, but we'll see what the results say.

    thanks for your concern!

    God bless you, too!

    love lots,


  16. ohh..sorry. so, you're saying that once you crash, even once you are doing a little better, you are too scared to get out of crash mode/maintaining energy mode? well, i think that's something i lack but wish i had! altho, i don't mean that insensitively cause i know it obviously bothers you <_< but i think maybe take baby steps. like what are the things most difficult for you. like everyday things, i'm assuming? i think if you try too much at once you may crash and then you associate doing something with crashing and get scared of doing something. like vomiting so much and then being scared to ingest anything (something i've experienced lately) but then u know you need to eat to live. well, eventually, you'll be able to eat..or do some everyday things. just take baby steps. i bet others will be better at answering. but instead of thinking of something as something that will totally make you feel worse, think about ways you can do it that will be easier on yourself (walking more slowly, easing into chores/work, doing some work alternating with some rest...)

    sorry for not being much of a help.

    but i'm praying for you!

    And I know God can help you!!!

    love u lots,


  17. jlb,

    sorry you're so sick

    before i was diagnosed with pots, my longest episode was probly 8 months straight... (by episode, i mean, bed, needed help getting dressed most of the time, no showers, baths but not hot, independent study for the second part of it. the first part i could barely walk at school and would get home and crash on the floor by the front door for at least an hour tilli got up the strenght to make it to something to lie on. luckily, in my old house, there was only one floor and a loft and my room was on the first floor..but still. yeah, my parents would check on me in the middle of the night so much cause they were scared. but didn't have chest pains. i'm sorry. if you've had...eeeewww..a huge mosquito just flew into my room. gross..ii don't want bites, too. ok..sorry, off subject.

    ummm..what was i saying.....hmmmm......

    oh yeah..ummm, what was i saying???!!

    yeah, it can last a long time. but my worst like pretty much unable to function spell was yeah...at least 8 months.

    but i think you'll feel better. God is there for you!

    I'll pray for you!

    love you lots,



  18. i think what you mean is that in order to at least semi-function and not completely crash you kind of have to lower your expectations temporarily, but lowering your expectations makes you feel like you are surrendering/waving a white flag. at least that's how i feel. and then when you are feeling well, you want to do everything you were missing out on but then that usually results in crashing. so then you realize that once you are feeling better you still need to make some accomodations but then that makes you feel like you are waving the white flag and letting your condition get the best of you/dwelling on it. i still haven't found a way to solve this. but, i think i am eventually going to learn that maybe a constant modified life is better than a tower of terror one (up and then quickly crashing down). there will still be ups and downs, but, yeah. i dunno. i think it's natural to want to enjoy everything you miss out on, and then that leads to overdoing it. just realize that pots is real and that just because sometimes it is better doesn't mean that you don't have to keep it in mind. i guess it's like driving cautiously. it's horrible to think that there are constantly dangers around you and most people don't think like that - it's not healthy. but paying attention and being on guard is safe. just cruising and not paying attn isn't healthy/safe, nor is paying too much attn.

    i don't think i've helped, but know that you are TOTALLY not alone.

    sorry i couldn't help much!

    love u lots,

    praying for you,



  19. i describe it as "a silk scarf trying to stand up on it's own." Better yet is the code-phrase i use when talking to my parents or sister. We had this book about the body when i was little. one page was about the importance of bones. it showed what a ballerina would look like without bones (like a piece of yarn or jello trying to stand up, basically...a wobbly wavering, rubbery person..but flimsy). so when i'm having days where standing up is basically out of the question or if i do stand, it's not pretty...then i tell my parents "i'm feeling like the ballerina with no bones" or a silk scarf trying to stand up on its own.

    love u all,


    and yes, i do try to talk myself thru doing stuff (if i'm in the dining hall and feel like i'm going to pass out, i'm like "don't pass out, don't pass out, don't pass out, find something to grab onto, don't pass out in the middle of everything..."

  20. mine definitely started in middle school after i got some cold/flu/sinus infection. but before then, standing was never my favorite thing and pe was always quite difficult. we thought it was because of my flat feet and the extra bones in my feet or i thought i was just more out of shape than every other kid (thinking back on this, i doubt it was the case). but hit full fledge after i got sick in 7th grade (i think it was 7th grade...one of those yrs in middle school). But, i remember that cold lasted forever, i also remember a bit before it came on full-fledged i was walking and all of a sudden i couldn't walk in a straight line and had to grab onto a pole and try to get to the next pole until i got back into the gym...was AWFUL. i had to sit with my head in my knees for an eternity. ok..off topic. but i remember keeping on trying to go back to school, but it didn't work..i'd have to go to the office and have my parents called - and lie on a mat until they got there. lost a lot of weight. one time when i tried coming back i was in pe and i just had to stop and go to the office b/c i felt like i was going to pass out and i could barely stand..it was such a horrible feeling. that was probably the first time i got that feeling that i've gotten sooooooo many times since then - the silk- scarf- trying- to- stand- up feeling. <_<

    whatever the case yep..that happened to me....and i missed a ton of school and it would cycle...and doctors didn't know what to do or what to think...yeah..it was a mess.

    okie dokie.

    hope u r all doing as well as possible..or better than that!


    keeping u in my prayers.

    back to studying after a nap and some saltine crackers and gatorade....

    love u lots,


  21. ((hugs)), so sorry that you have to go through this.It is so frustrating dealing with some dr's. Just went to my gi doc yesterday and he took my pulse and it was 96. He said it was not acceptable. I told him it was very warm outside, I work outside with kids in the school and I did not drink much and I was pretty sure it was just the dysautonomia kicking in. Did not seem interested in that.  Pushed me to take more beta blocker and called my cardio., who I know exactly what he will say too.

    Hang in there!!

    yeah..96 unacceptable..i get so frustrated with docs....but at least he wasn't saying it was because u weren't exercising enough. i got a hoot out of the fact that at first my cardiologists thought i was deconditioned and that was why my heart was constantly 100 and up. and then it occurred to one of them that i was riding my bike to classes every day and trying to walk most places and that i didn't seem THAT deconditioned. and then they had the nerve to say they discovered pots - after they said i wasn't active enough and maybe it was a psych problem. i could blame them for this latest pots hole because i was trying to run even when i felt horrible...but i won't do that. whatevs.

    why can't doctors just be on the same page???? (rhetorical question..if anyone had the answer, the world would be a better place)

    good luck! feel better!



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