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Alexis Donn

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Posts posted by Alexis Donn

  1. On 9/20/2013 at 7:34 PM, Freaked said:

    I have such extreme shortness of breath after eating atm that I just can't eat. The pains in my left arm have also gotten ridiculous. I wake up with chest pain and have constant itching pain in my chin, plus a feeling like something's stuck in my throat/chest. I vomit sometimes. Been to the hospital like four times over the past week; feel like I'm on the verge of a breakdown.

    Anyone else with POTS get really short of breath after eating?

    I hope you are feeling better!!!! Vanderbilt’s Dysautonomia Clinic un-diagnosed me from POTS last July after I started seeing a functional dr who diagnosed me with mold, parasites and viruses. This is what caused my POTS. Its also what led me to get severe longcovid with constant chest pressure and shortness of breathing from eating. It was all the same thing - a bunch of mold and viruses lowering my immune system. . No matter what, I just hope you’re feeling better ❤️

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