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Posts posted by bro123

  1. If I eat anything I will have the same effects. Of course when it is higher carb I will feel worse. But even if its protein and fats heavy, I still get the same effect. Even when my sugar is 100 after I eat, I feel bad, then it eventually crashes to below 70 before I eat something else. I am thinking about taking acarbose, but I want my reactive hypoglycemia to go away without the medication. I didn't know if other POTS patients were dealing with this and if so how did they treat it when dietary modifications weren't enough

  2. Does anyone get reactive hypoglycemia ONLY after breakfast? I have pots due to Lyme disease and other co infections but ever since I started taking antibiotics, I've been having reactive hypoglycemia only after my first meal. It has gone down to mid 30s which is extremely low. Does pots associated with Lyme disease go away after successful treatment? And how should I treat the reactive hypo? I want to find the underlying cause.

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