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Posts posted by Ciarah4507

  1. Hello, I just got my wisdom teeth out on Tuesday. I have POTS, syncope, vertigo, PVCD, and a few other minor medical issues. I was worried that any of my medical problems would be problematic with my surgery. So far so good. Although, it does mean I am on uncharted territory when it comes to post surgical routines. They say you can't resume physical activity for 4 days after because it can cause increase in blood pressure and cause the site to bleed again and have trouble clotting, well I have POTS so this can happen with me simply standing up, so what then?. I have received no guidance or tips for after surgery. I'm just winging it and hoping for the best. But as I said, so far, so good. I'm still not driving, still eating soft foods, putting salt water in my mouth and letting it drain out after each meal, lightly brushing my teeth twice a day. 

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