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Posts posted by keeponit33

  1. Can’t thank you guys enough for taking the time to respond to my post, truly means a lot. And so detailed, all of you. Thanks! 

    It truly is scary to go through a flare because with mine I cannot work and it lays me out. The chest pressure is hands-down one of the worst parts about it and this is the first time I’ve tried meds after 10+ years (truly never have needed them, minus these last two flares) and it hasn’t even put a dent in it. 

    Thanks again for helping to ease my mind through this process. 

  2. In two days, I will have been in my current flare for exactly a month. Typically, my flares start off mild before they become much worse, but in the past they would last a week at the very most. The last one I had though was 4 months long and now this feels about the same. 

    Does this happen often for those that get flares? I feel like lots of times I read about someone having one for a couple days or a week at most, but these marathon ones are really starting to get to me mentally. 


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