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Posts posted by Nineveh

  1. On 4/3/2022 at 10:41 PM, Jyoti said:

    Obviously, there are a load of different things that could be responsible for the horrible symptoms--I am so sorry-- you are having, and it is also quite possible, I'd guess, that there is more than one thing going on.  Reading your list, though, something sparked in my brain and I thought I would mention it, since it seems like your doctors--to date--have not been all that widely informed and therefore, not likely to figure this out on their own.

    Thank you Jyoti for mentioning this syndrome which I had never heard of. But from the description I read, it doesn't quite fit with how I feel. I did the 3-B test on the off chance, but without result. Besides, I don't have any back pain in general. It is rather a heaviness in the lower back, and in particular at the level of the sacrum.

    14 hours ago, Pistol said:

    Dear @Nineveh all of these symptoms could indicate the need for a colonoscopy. They may not want one because of your age, however - in order to rule out anything going on in your colon I personally would request one. 

    Indeed, I will take your advice and request a colonoscopy. I come to hope that they will detect something because I would like to finally put a name to what I live.

  2. Thank you Pistol for your response and good advice.

    I have consulted two neurologists so far. The first one's opinion is that it is physical deconditioning caused by sedentary lifestyle and eating disorders. But for some time now, I have been forcing myself to be more active and to eat better, and yet the problems are only getting worse.

    The second neurologist thought that it was a somatization disorder (conversion of psychological disorders into physical ones). As for dysautonomia, he told me that it was unlikely that I had it because, according to him, it mostly affects older people (I'm 27). However, I saw that there were relatively young patients. But nothing to do, he didn't want to go further.

    I won't see another neurologist because I don't see the point, but I will indeed consult a cardiologist quickly. I have never seen one before because problems like this are very recent.

    Regarding the bowel problems, I have seen 3 different gastroenterologists and none of them have prescribed a colonoscopy or CT scan. Do you think I should ask for it on my own? The only tests I have had are a gastroscopy and an abdominal ultrasound.

    Finally, regarding vitamin D, you are absolutely right. I had been supplementing for several months but my condition kept getting worse so I stopped. To be on the safe side, I'm going to start a cure again.

  3. Hello,

    I have been suffering from serious health problems for about 5 years. It all started with depression a few years ago, resulting in deep malaise, eating and sleeping disorders and a strong sedentary lifestyle. At the same time, many physical symptoms appeared. These have gradually settled down to reach an extreme stage today. Today, I no longer recognize my body and I fear that these problems will become chronic.

    So far, I have had several examinations (cerebral and spinal cord MRI, EMG of the 4 limbs and of the perineum, gastroscopy and blood test) and they have not revealed any specific disease. However, my gastroenterologist suspects irritable bowel syndrome. This might explain the digestive symptoms but probably not the others. The only thing that showed up on my blood test was vitamin D deficiency (11 ng/ml), but I don't think that has a direct relationship to the symptoms.

    So, I would like to know if some of you recognize yourself in the description below. Do you think it could be dysautonomia? If not, what other disease could it be? If you read my message and you experience the same symptoms (or almost), do not hesitate to answer.

    Symptoms constantly felt:

    - Extreme fatigue and general weakness
    - Bad breath despite dental hygiene and mouthwashes
    - Abdominal swelling
    - Sensation of torsion and deformation in the entire intimate area, causing deviation of the penis among others
    - Significant loss of sensitivity in the rectum

    Symptoms experienced regularly:

    - Urinary and anal sphincter weakness, slight urinary leakage while walking or after urinating
    - Sensation of having to pass gas or have a bowel movement without real need, involving strong heaviness in the sacrum, lower back and anus, sometimes for several hours
    - Gastroesophageal reflux disease and early satiety
    - Difficulty breathing, feeling of tightness in the chest
    - Recurring feeling that I'm going to pass out (which never happens)

    Symptoms felt in particular during seizures:

    - Sensation of sagging or falling felt inside the limbs (this symptom is difficult to describe but it is the most representative of what I am experiencing)
    - Intense intestinal discomfort (same as during diarrhea, but without the need to have a bowel movement)
    - Heavy sweating

    If you experience the same symptoms or if you have an idea of diagnosis, do not hesitate to come forward.

    Thank you,

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