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Posts posted by LibbySue

  1. I believe I've had life long ADHD, but I've always been a high performer. However, since being diagnosed with POTS (adrenergic) in 2020 I have developed very severe, almost debilitating, procrastination. I don't know if it's the POTS, the significant tachycardia, the Propanolol, the brain fog, worsening of ADHD or combination of all of the above. Has anyone else experienced this? It's becoming a major life issue. 
    I haven't had a need to medicate the ADHD in the past, but I'm wondering if now isn't the time to consider modafinil or adderall -- with modafinil being the better choice because of my tachycardia. 
    Please share your experiences! 🙏🏻❤️

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