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Posts posted by KTBug

  1. On 10/20/2021 at 11:26 AM, jillmae said:

    Thank you so much! That was the answer I was looking for. And thank you, I am trying really hard, but this year has been one of the worst I have ever had. I I got sick suddenly overnight in Feb and learned I was going to lose my job while on FMLA (I honestly believe my illness had something to do with it). Then my disability insurance from my employer declined me (after initially approving me) and I had to hire a lawyer for the appeal, which is still ongoing. A NURSE figured out the POTS after two doctors didn't (one medicated me for an ear infection), and the cardiologisist who diagnosed me recommended a Vitamin D test (where I had a level of 10) as my primary care provider had not done one.  Turns out I have probably had POTS all my life and it just got missed all those times I came in for random problems. Guess it's not normal to sit in showers or with my legs up in chairs or all those other things that make sense now. Also learned I was hypermobile by my fabulous POTS specialist. I am still trying to work out any potential causes but I feel like I have to walk on eggshells and have ninja level medical maneuvering to actually get any help/support. And now I can't sleep and that is just too much. TOO MUCH I SAY!


    We need to get you some sleep. Start my calling your Primary Doctor and speaking to them about your insomnia. There are several options both natural and prescription medication available to you. You cannot go without sleep and rest. You are going to really be your own advocate for your health and the healthcare you receive. Because I can be really hard to be heard and get the care you deserve. That’s one of the best pieces of advice I have ever gotten. 
    Have you tried anything over the counter? Do some research, Start there. If your primary doctor doesn’t hear you then find yourself someone who does. Have you had your B vitamins checked? I encourage you to look into that. You’ve got this!! 

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