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Posts posted by Chrissa

  1. I know this is late and I hope you got an answer to why your ANA was elevated. I have Sjogrens and I suspect Sjogrens started right after I had my last child. I’m sure I’ve had POTS since childhood as I remember fainting and blacking out as I stood from sitting. However I also have Ehlers Danlos and MCAS which all seem to run together. 
    As for Sjogrens, my last child is now 19, I had joint pain and dry eyes, and the the dry mouth came on. I have mild Sjogrens which I’m guessing means it hasn’t yet affected any organs. I’m glad to hear you are getting diagnosed so soon. It took me 10 years for Drs and dentists to put two and two together. This means awareness is better! 

  2. I found the SSRIs make me worse. Like an increased HR.  I’m on an anti depressant but it’s not an SNRI, it’s in a class by itself. However mine causes weight gain and it makes me sleep which I wasn’t doing much of before. At the time I was put on it I desperately needed to gain weight. My anti depressant has anti histamine in it so it could have been helpful to MCAS which in turn helps the POTS. 

  3. I came on here looking for others who found themselves with lasting worse POTS symptoms after having covid and saw this thread talking about the vaccine. I’ve had both shots and had flares with both although the first lasted longer than the second dose (expected by my immunologist since I had covid) but the second was more severe for much shorter period. However, knowing what I know about the virus and what it did to me I wouldn’t hesitate to get the vaccine for myself. I also have MCAS. It’s definitely a personal decision to discuss with healthcare providers. 

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