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Posts posted by SCOOBY

  1. 1 hour ago, Nin said:

    If it is PEM that is making you feel so terrible from exercise is it safe to keep going? Or will it cause more harm. I get so exhausted from walking and now have a mobility scooter for long distances. Im just worried I've given up on myself and have a big problem with what other people think of me. Like they might think does she really need a scooter and then I'm back to questioning myself again. I'm just thinking what if pushing myself is making me worse.

    I previously had the same question.  I was told by my doctor that I needed to exercise consistently to see improvement.  For me, consistent exercise made me worse.  After exercise, my HR would increase significantly for several days and I would feel terribly exhausted.  I found that if I attempted to exercise in that state I would only get worse, and my overall exercise tolerance would decrease.  This is just my experience - I don't know if it is typical for others.

  2. I am curious what everyone else experiences with exercise intolerance.  

    For me, I feel mostly ok when performing the exercise - I get somewhat fatigued and short of breath but it is manageable.  The real problem is that after the exercise (often not until several hours later), my heart rate is extremely high, I feel anxious, and I develop terrible fatigue.  These symptoms will gradually resolve over the next several days.  Is this typical?

    I also never know how much exercise is too much that it will trigger an exacerbation of my symptoms.  When exercising, has anyone learned to recognize signals that tell them when to stop?

    I am also currently unable to walk for more than about 3 minutes at a time.  I am desperate to increase the amount of time I am able to walk.  Does anyone have suggestions for exercises I could do to improve my walking endurance?

    I'd very much appreciate people's thoughts.

  3. I have POTS and recently have become extremely sensitive to carbohydrates.  My symptoms seem to worsen significantly with even a small amount of sugar.   

    My doctor had recommended Jianis Brother oral rehydration salts, which I have been using for several months.  These salts however, have 20g of glucose per packet.  Due to my sensitivity to sugar, I am wondering if they are making me feel worse, rather than better.

    Has anyone else had problems with rehydration solutions that contain sugar?  

    Can anyone recommend a rehydration product that is sugar free?



  4. I was recently diagnosed with POTS and I suspect it’s the hyperadrenergic subtype as my BP increases significantly after standing  from a lying position. I have very limited exercise tolerance, but my doctor recommended daily limited aerobic exercise in an attempt to improve my exercise tolerance.

    I’ve noticed the day after exercise that I often have extreme anxiety and my HR is much higher than normal, particularly in the morning. Does anyone else have experience with this? Is this a sign that I overdid the exercise and need to rest, or should I continue to exercise through it?

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