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Posts posted by catherinedianeabbott

  1. On 3/31/2012 at 9:24 PM, Monstrosity said:

    How many of your get sensory overload from your POTS/Dysautonomia? I get this a lot when I'm out to dinner, in a busy place, etc.

    I absolutely do! I had always wondered if I had mild ASD or if it was a symptom of my bipolar, but this seems to make more sense to me. Going to busy restaurants can be a nightmare!

  2.    My name is Catherine, and I’m 20 years old. My mother suffered Dysautonomia in the past, and still has symptoms, although more mild, nearly everyday. I myself have just recently turned 20, and I’m being to show every single symptom that she had. We ruled out thyroid issues, and once we get hormonal problems ruled out, I’m not sure what else it could possibly be. It’s gotten worse In a short amount of time, making it very difficult to do day to day tasks that I would’ve been able to to with relative ease not long ago. Work has gotten more difficult because I work retail and stand up for 5 to 7 hours each shift with only one 15 min break. I am out of breath in seconds, whether it be from bending over for a long period of time or taking the trash cans out of the drawers. My heart races and I shake. I sometimes get very scared I’m going to faint. But one of the most difficult things I’ve dealt with during this is that other than my mother, nobody understands it, or sometimes even believe me. It is difficult being a young woman with an invisible illness. I came here as suggested by my wonderful mother, just to get familiar with others who are like me. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone else’s point of view and Their stories. 

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