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Posts posted by Karla343

  1. I guess I don't use the internet enough, or at least not the way others do because I didn't know this anti-vacc thing "on the internet" was a thing.  I don't know what websites people go to to read anout this "hot stuff".  It took me years to learn about the flat earth stuff (was that an "internet thing"?) and I didn't learn about it through the internet.  I knew people who were cautious about vaccines years and years ago but only because they had children with weak systems that were predisposed to problems given the right set of circumstances.  Though none of them ever claimed that vaccines were the root cause or sole cause of their problems.  Is the popular internet thing that that vaccines are the sole cause?  Because that's what I heard.  I don't blame these people because eds was obviously not the cause of dysautonomia otherwise everyone with eds would have dysautonomia.  I realize there's multiple factors involved in these things. Have no idea why people would lie intentionally unless making a profit.  Perhaps misinformed or some disagreements over what is truth.  Even if everyone else's kids ends up with health issues or cognitive problems, why should they care?  It's not their own kids, and there's little you can do or care about anymore to be wirried about the happiness or well-being of others.

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