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Posts posted by ZebraClaire

  1. On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2007 at 12:19 PM, MomtoGiuliana said:

    Tessa--I can see why you would be alarmed after reading these posts. POTS is not considered life-threatening. However, if you develop worsening or new symptoms it is always wise to contact your physician.

    A normal blood draw would not produce life-threatening hypovolemia. POTS patients are often highly sensitive to even small changes in their environment. It could be that your worsened symptoms following the blood draw had to do with a response to the stimulation of the blood draw as much as to any loss of blood that occured.

    When POTS symptoms come on, it is always wise to increase fluids and salts, as your doctor has recommended.

    I believe I have hypovolemia--at least at times. I have not noticed feeling worse after a blood test. But I did actually faint once after getting a shot. Somehow the stimulation of the shot set off a chain reaction in my POTS-y body that led to me losing enough blood pressure to cause me to faint. I suspect your reaction to the blood draw was similar.

    Talk to your doctor about your concerns!

    Take care,


    So I realize this is very old, but I have POTS. One of the severest cases my doctor has seen. Prior to treatment my standing test was 75 laying to 189 standing. I am chronically hypovolemic, how much is hard to say. I get 2-3 L of Lactated ringers every few days. I can only get 4-5 vials of blood drawn, and only that while on regular IV treatment. It will begin with hot sweats and nausea, if we do not immediately stop and pack me with ice and start an IV I will begin vomitting. The one and only time the nurse continued drawing blood, I fell unconscious laying down and was put in the ICU. So while POTS can very rarely cause this level of symptoms, it actually can. My doctor is a autonomic specialist and she has had a small handful of patients like me. 

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