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Posts posted by Michael

  1. Hi Jen,

    I'm experiencing a similar pain in one side of my ribs leading up to my armpit area.  The first time I noticed it, the pain was subtle and almost felt like a body hair was getting cause in my t-shirt.  The next morning the pain felt like it was between or on my ribs and felt like a skin burn.  There is no sign of anything on the surface of my skin.  I haven't been to the doctor yet.  I am in pretty good physical shape and I run a lot.  I use an arm band for my cell phone when I run and the band is at the same level as the pain.  I don't know if it is the cause, but it's my best guess.  The pain is not constant and only happens when my rib muscles are flexed or I hop or jump or get jolted.   I'm somewhat confused by this and am wondering if you ever found any answers to your situation?

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