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Posts posted by Lee88

  1. I’m in the UK, I’m honestly at a loss, after feeling okay for a long while the way it has come back is really scaring me. I know something is wrong but what, I don’t know. I’m having an mri on my cranicervical spine because I felt like that could be at play. I’m sort of coming to terms with the fact I’m probably not going to come through this. 30 years was a good run.

  2. I’ve been referred to a cardiologist, but that could be a long wait, this is all from being misdiagnosed in the first place and them inadvertently treating me with snri and me showing improvement. I’m worried about the neuro symptoms, I become extremely agitated, gurn my jaw, make funny noises and I think this could be because of excess adrenaline. I guess I don’t know what to do, other than wait til I die.

  3. I’ve been ill for a long time, first diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, about 5 years ago I became very anxious so my doctor put me on citalopram and it eased my symptoms a bit, but I had to struggle through some bad side effects. Further down the line I was put on duloxetine, a lot of my symptoms seemed to ease. I assumed maybe I did have depression. However since Christmas things have gone bad, I’m having all my old symptoms but worse. To top it all off I weigh 28 stone, I am scared for my life, the only medication I’m on now is propranolol. I seem to shake all the time when lying down, I always feel revved up, sleep is nigh on impossible and I think I’m having manic episodes from adrenergic crisis, I’m stuck as to what to do. With the medication no longer working is it likely, another snri wouldn’t work now? If I’m honest I think this will kill me soon, because I’m not receiving the care I need. 

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