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Posts posted by JillCT

  1. Thank you all for your posts and encouragement so far! I just did the poor man's test at home again. Went from 55 resting to 105 standing. I am having a cardiologist who is listed as being a good POTS doctor do my TTT on Monday. But he is also the one who seemed dismissive since I wasn't getting to the "magic" 120. I will definitely have someone drive me on Monday - I haven't been able to drive (or work) in 2 months. I am too dizzy. I'm also being testing for vestibular causes for my dizziness. Monday should be a telling day. Even if I don't have POTS, there is something that is not right about my HR going up 50 bpm and me not being able to stand for a few minutes! I just want to know what it is and start getting better if possible!


    Thanks again for the support! I'll keep you posted when I learn more!

  2. Hi All, I'm getting my tilt table test on Monday, but I've tracked my HR and BP from resting (supine) to standing many times, including at the doctor's office today. I have a pretty low resting HR of about 60 bpm. It consistently goes up by 30 bpm when I stand and it is sustained that way for 10 minutes. This morning at the doctor's office, I started at 66 and ended at 115 after 5 minutes. Everything I've read says to be diagnosed with POTS, you must increase by 30 bpm OR increase above 120 bpm. My doctor brushed off POTS because I did not get to 120 but he did order the TTT. I relate so much to everything I read about POTS - it sounds so much like me! But am I not "sick enough" to have it because my HR doesn't go up enough? Or do some people with low resting HR still have it? Maybe there's another explanation other than POTS, but I haven't found it yet! I just want my life back!

    Thanks for reading!


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