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Posts posted by Bb92

  1. I had my blood pressure measured again today and it was 91 for the top number, I didn’t catch the bottom but the nurse said low.


    My heart rate was 80 something. When I stood up my heart rate rose to 120 then steadily went to 117. My blood pressure went up which probably isn’t pots but I have read about hyperadrenic pots?


    That heart rate increase is over 30bpm so could suggest pots. 


    Seeing a cardio specialist soon I hope...

  2. Just wanting an idea on what is going on....

    I’m currently 26..

    When I was 12/13 I started having issues with my blood pressure. I’d sit up from bed and feel faint. I’d get the same when kneeling down and sitting up. I’d feel a pressure in my head and dizziness as well once I stood up. One time I got up and fainted. I went to a children’s ward and they did a eeg on my brain which showed nothing abnormal. I don’t remember any other testing. That was it. 

    I also once had a heat attack (perhaps panic?) in the shower around age 13. I suddenly couldn’t breathe and had to get out..blacking out and felt sick and like I was dying. I had several of these attacks till a few years ago. I think heat isn’t very good. Mostly from hot baths. Haven’t had one on several years. 

    I do get an increase in heart rate when I stand up but drs say normal when they check. But they do it quickly.I’ve had no other testing apart from my blood pressure and the thing they put on your finger for pulse. I’ve self tested my pulse and it seems to go up around 20bpm higher but I’ve misplaced my monitor. My ecg showed a slow heart beat but nothing else anyone said. 

    My blood pressure is so low they can’t pick it up at times. I have chest pain which sometimes squeezes, skipped heart beats, have issues standing still, bradycardia, tachycardia (for a time I had 130bpm in the mornings),  unusual severe fatigue, headaches, weird “energy rushes”, 

    Head pressure sometimes when I stand up, arm pain, numbness in jaw and neck, speech issues, sleeping issues, neck pain, brain fog..lots of things like that. I’ve had blood pressure issues with being low for years. Sometimes it’s normal. I’m unsure if it drops or raises if I stand drs have not told me anything. Seems like sometimes it drops and raises to me..

    Been under loads of stress for a long time but had issues with my body since I was 13 regardless. 

    Have diagnosed depression, anxiety and stress. But was wondering if this could be pots? Chiari...?


    I’m seeing a cardiologist for my very low blood pressure and skipped beats..hopefully..have to be approved first. 

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