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Posts posted by Lyndon14

  1. Hi all,

    26yo male here.  Started having many of the common symptoms 3 weeks ago after a panic attack induced by my opiod painkiller patch.  Trouble getting to sleep, trouble staying asleep, constant dizziness (which has improved slightly), gastrointestinal problems, lightheadedness, trouble concentrating, heart rate jumping from 80 sitting to as high as 120 just from standing, very high blood pressure (150/108), seeing lights at night, sensitivity to light during the day, sensitivity to noise, constant fatigue, restless legs sometimes, pupils have issues constricting, constant eye floaters.

    Seen a cardiologist yesterday who will be doing tests on my heart next week including an echocardiogram and heart monitor.  She heard a "tic" between my heart beats so she also thinks I have a prolapsed Mitral valve.  She also perscribed me Clonodine and Citolopram for her diagnosis of anxiety for the host of symptoms.

    Within an hour of taking the drugs, my blood pressure went down, and heart rate was lowered which was great.  But I started feeling short of breath and like my throat was tight.  Had the worst sleep of my life being woken up every hour by what I assume was a surge of adrenaline from the breathing trouble.  These symptoms persisted past 16 hours so I went to a walk in clinic.  Doctor there said that the swollen throat and white patches in my mouth were just a side effect of the drugs (likely Clonodine) so I should stop taking that one and continue the Citolopram.  I did this and one day later the throat and mouth swelling is gone and I can breath again.  But my heart rate and blood pressure is back up there.

    Has anyone else experienced this type of reaction to Clonodine, or any drug for that matter?


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