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Posts posted by Missyjo

  1. Hi everyone!  I've just recently started researching dysautonomia/pots as so many of my symptoms relate.  I don't know that I have it, just suspect it could be a possibility.  I am always light headed/dizzy, have episodes of tachycardia.  Generally my heart rate is fine with lying, sitting, and then can go from 60-70 to 150 when up and about, it was misdiagnosed as SVT for years.  I am 4 weeks post op from Chiari decompression surgery and from what I read many chiarians also have pots/dysatonomia.  I came across this forum when trying to learn why I feel faint mid sentence and have to stop talking.  This also happens if I start laughing, I have to stop myself as I get really light headed and sometimes start to black out.  Does this happen to you with laughing as well?  Sometimes the same sensation I get in my head/chest from talking and laughing will occur with no trigger which is an unsettling feeling.  Also, how do you guys treat this?  I've read some take beta blockers, which I wonder if this is from low blood pressure, how a beta blocker would work as it lowers the BP further.  I can't tolerate beta blockers as it makes my CNS feel very depressed.  Other treatment remedies aside from beta blockers?  I read a post where a lady drinks a gatorade when she feels this way as the electrolytes pull her out of it.  Any thoughts/input would be so appreciated!  Thank you!!!

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