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Posts posted by Fatiguedguy252

  1. I haven't been working for a year or two, and was wondering if you have POTS and work full time how do you do it? I get bad enough flare ups from doing nothing, lol, so if I start working again how do I deal with myself and symptoms? If you are not working let me know too, because I feel like a freak not working and I feel so isolated with my issues that I get depressed. Thanks, Dennis

  2. I am so coldddddddddddd, sometimes I warm up for brief periods, but most of the time, even in my 75F apartment, my hands are freezing, I feel freezing. My thermometer always says 98.2F when I take my temperature. I asked the cardiologist who diagnosed me with POTS what I can do, I asked her why I'm so cold, she mentioned it might be circulation problem, but geez, I swear I feel like I'm dying or something is really wrong. I'm not quite sure what to do, but I'm going back to see her, ask her for more blood tests. I stopped taking florinef, I didn't feel any better! my feet were just swollen. I wear like thermal shirts under my clothes and stuff inside, I feel ridiculous. I'm only 32, I'm male, and my gramma thinks it is hot when I am cold! She is 76! how sad! :)

    My TSH test was normal, as was cbc and the other blood tests. Anyways, other than lying down under my electric blanket, if anyone has any recommendations for me to help about feeling like I am going to freeze to death all the time, let me know!

    When I was on florinef she gave me .5mg to take every other day. Does anyone take .5mg every day? or more? I wonder if that will help me. I wonder if a higher dosage would help me?

    I take Paxil 30mg and Klonopin 1mg daily, plus advil and reg. aspirin as needed. Any advice appreciated, thanks, Dennis

  3. I swear the florinef I started taking is giving me nausea. I think I'm going to stop it for a while and see what happens. I also take Paxil 20mg and Klonopin 1mg daily. Will Wellbutrin help me? I am so desperate, lately I don't think I can live like this anymore. I made a psych appt, but what can they do? They can't give me a life. I made an endo appt, I'm going to ask him to test my adrenals, thyroid and hormones, hopefully he may find something. I feel feverish right now, but my temp is normal. How do you guys live like this? You either have it less than me, or you have a huge tolerance. sigh, I'm sorry to be a whiner, I just can't do this anymore, take care, Dennis

  4. My doctor tells me that most people with POTS feel worse in hot weather and often feel hot a lot. He laughs at the fact that my pots seems to make me sensitive to the cold - i used to love it, but i get raynauds from even a cold breeze, and i feel cold all over. My symptoms are always much worse in the winter and improve in teh summer.

    I ahve to come home and have a warm bath to get my body going when i get home from work.

    Then in the heat of summer - everyone else is sweating and im out there in the 40C washing my car feeling great!

    YOU ARE NOT ALONE. My hands and feet and nose and body feel cold-sometimes EXTREMELY-- unless it is 79F or higher. Activity may warm me up for a lil bit in cooler temps, but my hands stay ice cold. This is a very distressing symptom for me. I am still attempting to find a treatment that works. I am embarrased to shake hands, touch people. I notice when I do hug someone, how WARM they feel compared to me, like my internal heater is broken! I want my hands back! I want to be warm again at 72 F! Everyone who comes into my apartment says its a sauna, even my 54 year old mom! I honestly don't understand all this and it upsets me. The only thing i take is paxil daily and xanax as needed. I am going to try to start exercisng again, hopefully that will help. One doctor may put me on thyroid hormone to see if that helps me. The wintertime is awful. Even with my winter coat on, the cold is EXTREMELY PAINFUL. It has been 90F here for the past few days, and it is like heaven. And my hands still get cold at times! :)


  5. I'm new here and I've been freezing for the past six months! I can't warm up, my hands and feet are freezing cold, but thermometer says 98.2. I avoid shaking peoples hands because they look at me and freak out because my hands are freezing. I'm also very tired and light-headed... help!!!! Dennis

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