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Posts posted by GMS52

  1. I had horrible brain fog on midodrine.  I didn't realize that it was the midodrine until I didn't take it for a day.  I refused to take it again once I realized how much it affected me.  My concrete and abstract thinking were so impaired that If I had in my mind a way to do something and then had a question or couldn't do something, I was at a standstill.  I know that people met me in that state must have thought something was off with me, because I was confused by the simplest things.  It felt like when I was reading more technical things for works or things with steps that I wasn't able to see part of the page.  

    I can't offer much help, other than to confirm the side effect, since I quit it as soon as I realized it.  While I was on it, I did develop some coping mechanisms.  I would write everything out about a topic before a meeting or conversation, because I couldn't think in the moment, but if I thought it all through before and reviewed the notes right before the meeting, it was fresh in my mind.  When it was appropriate, I kept the notes open, but I felt weird to bring notes into what was supposed to be an informal meeting or conversation.  Then I would take a walk and think things out while walking (I can focus and think better when walking), and send a follow-up about anything I said wrong or couldn't completely answer.  I also try to get everyone to email me rather than calling, so I don't have to answer in real-time and can put it off I am not thinking clearly.  I also find that lists/plans keep me on track and I rank each task by how much of my brain is needed.  Once, it hits me that I don't have the brain power to do what I am working on, I stop switch to something that needs less brain power and/or take a walk.  When reading or working through something more complex, I try and find a way to organize the information so that I figure things out as I am reading/working through and then have a reference for later.  I use a lot of charts for notes, they are easy to get info from right away, help you focus on what your aims are for reading/concepts, and sometimes when you are very foggy, you can just fill out a chart that you will understand when your mind is more clear.

    I switched tenses, because even though I am off the midodrine, I do have lots of times of mental impairment.  I know you are probably wondering what I replaced the midodrine, and the answer is currently nothing, so I am definitely struggling throughout the day. 

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