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Posts posted by Rchrbl

  1. Idk if I have pots however I didn't start experiencing pots symptoms until after a series of panic attacks. I'm sure they were panic attacks because I am always anxious before they start, and always thought I was going to die. The sweating, rapid heart rate, etc. Panic. Then a day after a really bad panic attack or after days of consistent panic I experience pots like symptoms. For example, now when I stand, my heart rate jumps to 120 - 160 for days even weeks then return to normal. However, I may have had some for of pots because my resting heart rate is usually 55 - 66. And jumps to 96 - 100 on standing and settles around 88 - 90. 

    After I had panic attacks, my resting heart rate is anywhere from 84 - 100. Standing 120 - 160. And races with little exertion. I feel out of breath, chills, blurry vision but no panic like symptoms and all of this is relieved by sitting or lying down. I never had these symptoms until 5 months after suffering with panic disorder. 


    When I went to the cardiologist, I initially went because of the pots like symptoms but wasn't experiencing any at the time. They only seem to occur sometimes a day after intense panic and anxiety. 

    So idk if panic and anxiety can cause pots but I am a 27 year old male who has never experienced these symptoms until after my panic disorder diagnosis. I'm a Hypocondriac after my ex passed from cancer I developed panic attacks so I am certain they were panic attacks. 

    By the heart rate standing 120 - 160 is definitely not panic as I am not anxious before it happens. 

    So can anxiety and panic cause pots?

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