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Posts posted by Courtney

  1. Thank you so much, Psalm 23.  I apologize for the delay, but the IVIG made me so sick and so tired that I am just now getting my energy level back and able to do things. But, for about a month afterwards, I didn't even have the energy to do everyday life and the pain, OMG the pain!  However, though, I didn't notice at the time, but I do think it significantly helped with all my heart issues.  Because, they are now coming back and I didn't even realize I hadn't had any problems until they returned. I was so focused on my pain and fatigue, I didn't notice other differences. I still don't know if it's worth going through again. That head pain I had for over a week was pretty intense. We will see. I am glad it's helping you. I too am using it for Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy. Blessings!

  2. Clb75-Thanks for all the info. I didn't take benadryl or prednisone. Both really increase my irregular heartbeats and tachycardia. 

    I'm finally feeling a bit better today, but I have never experienced that kind of pressure pain before and my brain literally felt hot. My Dr. never got back to the infusion nurses or me on how to treat or help it. Kinda frustrating. Atv least it's better now. Don't know if I'll go through it again though. 

    Is the IVIG working good for you?

  3. I was receiving the IVIG for Sjogren's and Autonomic Neuropathy.  My Neuro did what yours did, 5 consecutive days of 200mL/day. They took me down to 50mL/hr, but said they wouldn't go lower. They said it was the lowest they could go.  I'm really glad it helped you and I am hoping my 1 1/2 days may have some benefit.  I can't do benadryl, it makes me feel anxious and the IVIG definitely caused me to have tachycardia.  It stopped once I stopped the infusion, but during it, my HR was never below a 100 bpm.  

    I'm worried because of two failed tries, my insurance won't okay anymore treatments because they are so expensive.  I have been very anti-meds with all that I deal with and this is honestly the first thing I have tried. My Dr. is new and I am hoping she isn't frustrated they stopped everything. 

    I would loop up IgA deficiency, but I was under the impression that if you have low IgA's you are really susceptible to side effects and reactions and IVIG isn't recommended. I am no Dr. though and I am not sure if this is the case. I don't even remember where I read it from, but definitely something to talk about with your Dr. 

    If it helped you though, I pray you can get it again. That would be great news for you!

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