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Posts posted by pinkpoet8813

  1. Little background I am overweight considered severe obese. Some of my weight gain due to edema, sub ig therapy and medications.

    I was born with congenital heart defects seen a cardiologist since was 6 months old. 

    I am seeing nutritionist because I also have severe pancreatic insufficiency malnutrition/malabsorption and cvid along with my Dysautonomia 

    So I had appt with the PA for my cardiologist. I gained a huge amount weight in less then 2 weeks was over 20lbs. She dismisses my edema starts on me about bariatric surgery. I tell her I am not a candidate because I have Pai1 and mthfr thst hematologists advised me my whole life never to do bariatric surgery. I tell her this. Then she starts to fat shame me saying all my issues are because my weight 

    I had a bad echo in may but she blamed on my weight she said I coulbt possibly have issue with my heart given my age edema likely unrelated.


    I break down in tears. I tell her my whole life nutritionist try get me eat more. I have 10-15 episodes diarhea a day my meds and food not being absorbed i continue to gain water weight.

    She suggests an clinic for weight 

    I told her how I went to inpatient programs in California Massachusetts Maryland Missouri Washington D.C. trying everything could to deal with weight issues 

    She then suggested a psych med and naltrexone to lose weight. 

    I held back my tears because I drove 3 hours to this appt to be unheard, fat shamed and my problems dismissed. I cried whole way home. Then some 

    This is a PA for a well respected doctor. I tell my PCP my nutritionist my psychiatry doctor I see for AdHd all this story. They agree shouldn't take combo of meds fact she didnt want consult any other team doctors isaggravating. I waited months for appt. My PCP ordering new echo continuing lasix .


    Just don't know where go from here because clearly been dismissed by pa for well respected doctor I want to keep I dont kknow how keep doctor and avoid pa who wronged me and treated me like crap.

    I don't want be non compliant but I am not taking psych drug to lose weight combined with naltrexone I am not going backwards to point that I stop eating. I am going follow my PCP, my nutritionist and psychiatry doctor who know me more what they feel best. 

    I don't know how move forward on cardiology stuff or who talk to about fat shaming issue. 

    My edema is bad trying get ccompression garments to help. 


  2. Anyone have severe complications or a possible allergy to MIdodrine? 

    I had two years of a mess with Midodrine. I just got off of it. Basically Midodrine was causing my eyes to twitch, flushing in my face, body temperature irregularities, and it wasnt' even raising my blood pressure. When  I increased from 2.5mg to 5mg I started having sauna like feeling in my head... when I would take it I was urinating 2-3 x an hour on it, I had visual disturbances. when I raised it from 5mg to 7.5 mg after my Nuerologist wouldn't listen to me I felt like my skin was crawling had extreme anxiety, visual issues, urinary problems,  extreme dizziness and chest pain.. plus many other issues.. My Nuerologist is still in denial however my Pcp stopped it I'm taking Hyoscamine and Sodium Choride instead.... I find that Nuerologist wouldn't listen. I'm kind of wondering if drug has Caesin or Egg in it as any drugs do or anyone experience same side effects. I thought these were normal to dysautonomia. I found out after my nuero wanted nursing monitor it more closely that my eyes were twitching and flushed 45 minutes after taking Midodrine. 

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