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Posts posted by Spring

  1. Yogini and Katybug,  Thank you both for taking the time to get back to me!  It really does just feel pounding doing almost nothing, rolling over in bed or sitting at my desk.  I'm really not freaking about it, it is just nice (sadly) to hear other people say that you feel this way too even if your pulse isn't through the roof.

    Interesting that a pounding heart isn't always the same as a fast heart - I am learning so much.  When you talk about pulse pressure being narrow, roughly what constitutes narrow? I guess if "normal" BP is 120/80 then a normal differential would be 40.  Wondering roughly how small that number needs to get to be what you refer to as "narrow"?  Realizing all of  us are different, just roughly.  

    It is really extremely comforting to be able to talk with someone who understands.  Thank you very much.

  2. Thank you both for taking the time to respond to my question.  My Polar does have a chest strap and it has been fascinating to see just how much my HR has been jumping when I get up - at least 2x resting and sometimes close to 3x.  Thinking that maybe even if my HR is only 20 beats above resting but I am not doing anything else to distract myself, even that could be noticeable for me.  I will also check my BP during these times too.  Guessing the test for "how hard it is beating" just means BP?  From a Google search it seems the "Pulse Pressure" that another poster referred to is just a difference between the two BP numbers.

    Thank you very much.

  3. Hello and thank you for all of the help you all have provided so far.  It has been tremendously helpful to read many of the prior posts as I am just now in the initial stages of diagnosis that is looking like POTS to start.  

    I got a Polar HR monitor and so far my HR readings go from 52-141.  But one odd thing is happening I wonder if anyone has any experience with:  Sometimes I feel like I am tachy - really, physically tacky, pounding heart, uncomfortable sitting up - but when I look at the HR reading it is not one of the higher readings.  I went through a lot of the posts here and one person many years ago wrote about something that sounded similar having to do with "pulse pressure" but no one ever responded to her and she is no longer active in the forum.  Has this happened to anyone else?

    Thank you,


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