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Posts posted by kady1010

  1. I am new to this group. I have not formally been diagnosed with dysautonomia but I believe that explains my symptoms plus the fact that when something startles me such as driving on an icy patch and sliding, I get pins and needles in my hand and feet. I have been diagnosed with CFS/ME and FM. These diseases are very similar to dysautonomia and I will ask my doctor in two days when I have my muscle biopsy.

    I used to be very healthy, walking at least 6 miles on weekend days and shorter walks on workdays. I was prescribed Simvastatin 2 1/2 years ago. Three weeks later I started having back aches and chest pain. Doctors ran tests but did not tell me to stop statins. I gained 30 lbs in less then 3 months and had pains in my shoulder and hips. Two sinus infections in 6 months and when at the doctors office mentioned the muscle pains and still no one told me to stop statins. After researching myself I took myself off statins. At least 10% of people taking statins have muscle complaints and 68% of those people the damage is permanent. I am now on FMLA from my job due to not being able to drive and severe fatigue, horrible muscle pains, I cannot even sleep although I am exhausted all the time. I have devoted the rest of my miserable life to warning people about statins. If you are on them or doctors want you to take them please do research on them first. In my opinion cholesterol does not cause heart disease. I believe that statins will cause mitochondrial damage and this is where I am now...on your forum. Mitochondrial dysfunction is believed to cause dysautonomia.Please take seriously what I am writing and I hope I can save even one person from the damage statins can do. Twenty four percent of the North American population have a gene the makes them intolerant to statins in the first place. Take care everyone and thank you for the posts that are helping me deal with my symptoms.

  2. I used to take Simvastatin and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I used to be healthy and walk 6-10 miles a day on the weekend. Side effects from statins started 1 month after I took them but docs did not tell me to stop them. I got progressively worse and after researching online stopped them myself. I am on FMLA from my job and have been diagnosed with CFS/FM also other issues with muscles tendons and ligaments. I joined this group since dysautonomia sounds exactly like my symptoms. When I get startled like sliding on an icy patch my hands and feet get pins and needles. I am having a muscle biopsy in two days to check for mitochondrial damage. I would definitely stay away from statin drugs. I will spend the rest of my now miserable life telling people to do thorough research on statins and hopefully they will decide the benefit is not worth the risk.

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