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Posts posted by beneficii

  1. OK. Drank 2 big glasses of water and ate ramen (very salty), and did it again:

    Time: BP, rate

    0 min: 110/66, 81

    1 min: 107/65, 102 (irregular)

    2 min: 94/70, 103

    3 min: 99/68, 104 (irregular)

    4 min: 98/60, 104 (irregular)

    5 min, 98/61, 109 (irregular)

    6 min: 107/63, 110 (irregular)

    7 min: 115/63, 110 (irregular)

    Didn't quite make it to 30 this time. I finally gave up after 7 minutes because my lower legs and feet were burning.

    I wonder if I should show this to the next doctor I see.

  2. Hi and welcome Beneficii,

    as a first step (before going to a more specialised autonomic clinic/doc) you could try to find a doc who would perform a so called "Poor Man's Tilt Table Test". In fact, every GP could do it easily and it will give you a first idea whether POTS could be an issue for you.

    However, a complete autonomic testing should finally be done!

    Good luck and best wishes!!

    Sounds like a good idea.

    I did some poor man's tilt table testing myself, when I don't think I was dehydrated.

    time, blood pressure, heart rate, symptoms

    lying down for 5 minutes, 109/69, 80

    2 minutes standing, 109/60, 109 (irregular), feeling light-headed, my feet and lower legs begin to burn

    3 minutes standing, 97/62, 113

    6 minutes standing, 110/62, 120 (irregular), legs are very uncomfortable and trembling

    My feet still tingle.

  3. My cardiologist doesn't take me very seriously about this, but if I stand up straight and still for even a few minutes my feet and lower legs will feel like they're burning and they will start to tremble.

    I notice sometimes my heart rate increases a lot after standing up from a reclining position.

    My cardiologist has marked me down for "inappropriate sinus tachycardia" and criticizes me for not staying hydrated enough and not exercising enough.

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