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Posts posted by sideofsalt

  1. Hi Dizzygirls, did you mention in a previous post that your daughter takes phenergan?  If she does on regular basis, does she pair it with Benadryl?  I ask because my headache dr. said that if I take phenergan, I have to take benadryl with it or I may get muscle seizure-type side effects (I forget the pathways involved at the moment).  My dr. said that a patient ended up in the ER with muscle seizing up symptoms.  I could be way off but thought I would mention it.  I hope your daughter gets relief soon.

  2. Hi andreak, I would recommend your daughter seek out a high risk OB if she has not been referred to one already. I am currently seeing my regular OB but have been having consults with a perinatologist who specializes in high blood pressure patients as a precaution. Even though high blood pressure is not my problem, he has been the most knowledgeable doctor second to my cardiologist on how my heart, heart rate, and blood pressure should behave during my pregnancy in light of POTS. I feel 100% better knowing that he is looking after me and that I have someone who is capable should the pregnancy turn into a high risk situation.

  3. Hi Annaliese,

    My doctors said that pregnancy was a major event, like a "trauma" to the body so it can be seen that way in terms of developing POTS. I think it could be more of an immune system change. I developed POTS postpartum (post-nursing, actually) and around that time my environmental allergies increased. It's like my immune system was suppressed and after delivering, it bounced back to a higher degree of sensitivity.

  4. Since I posted in this thread, I saw the allergist who listened to my concerns regarding POTS and having non-classic allergy symptoms (tachycardia, flushing). I was tested on a bad day - when I had flushed that morning - to determine my baseline tryptase to investigate mast cell activation. I was to come back after another significant flushing episode to see what the difference was, which never happened because pollen levels dropped and remained low enough for me not to react. However, my baseline tryptase level was well within "normal" range, even after that morning flushing episode. The reason the doctor emphasizes tryptase is because it can be reproduced. I will re-test this spring I'm sure. I'd be grateful to hear about your pathways to diagnosis if you have a mast cell issue.

  5. Hi Katy :) I have taken Jarrow brand quercetin with bromelain during allergy season. It was recommended by my dietitian to reduce my histamine load. I believe it helped, but it was subtle. I believe my daily Zyrtec and Singulair helped the most during the peak of the season (also spot treating with Benadryl or hydroxyzine occasionally). I had no side effects and will probably take it again this allergy season.

  6. Hi everyone, I am currently pregnant at 28 weeks. I have been managing pretty well despite POTS. In fact, POTS has not flared up that much. The biggest hurdles were nausea and migraines in the first trimester and I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it. I did have some hypotension and a handful of tachycardia episodes. I stopped midodrine within the first trimester. As I enter the third, I feel really good over all.

    I am hoping to have a productive conversation with the anesthesiologist in a few weeks. I find myself in the position of trying to describe POTS in the context of delivery to someone who likely does not know anything about POTS. I have read the studies and this forum’s experience about pregnancy, POTS and anesthesia. I read a post that mentioned the epidural helping with adrenaline surges due to contractions which I will share with the anesthesiologist, and I will ask them not to use epinephrine. I’d like to know what other experiences can I share about the POTS birth (delivery) experience to help them understand what could happen? I’d also like to know how pushing affects BP and how was it handled? Also, does pitocin affect POTS patients any differently? Scheduled induction vs. using pitocin to augment delivery? Thanks in advance!

  7. Hi Faye, I have experience with Dr. Cannom and highly recommend him. He is the expert in his field (electrophysiology) and helped me a great deal with my POTS. He administered a battery of tests including TTT. I found him very easy to talk to. His medical and office staff were all excellent (at the time I saw him) and I got great support when needed. If I have any advice for seeing him (or any doctor), I would just be honest with him about all of your symptoms because with POTS, some seem unrelated. What also helped in my case was wearing a Holter monitor to track the tachycardia episodes. Best of luck at your appointment.

  8. Hi everyone! I was wondering what you take to dry up sinus congestion? I have a sinus infection that gives me persistent drainage - and coughing - which is interfering with life. The last time I took Sudafed it made me feel awful (around the time of my POTS dx). I haven't really gotten this sick since then so my medicine cabinet is bare for this type of medicine. Is there another OTC medicine like Sudafed but without the heart rate effects? I've tried Benadryl which only sort of helped; not really. I saw phenylephrine but read it works by increasing norepinephrine like Sudafed, but I might try it. I'm also doing a nightly neti-pot and salt water gargle; lots of decaf tea. If you have any other tips on how to beat a sinus infection, I'd love to know that too! :)

  9. Take care and try not to dwell on your guilt. I find work to be positively stimulating but then I can forget my routine of eating, drinking, and taking supplements/medications according to schedule which in turn, impacts how I feel.

  10. I understand your concern. A lot of it has been trial by error for me, and probably for many here. I have to plan ahead and bring food and water, and plan to buy some inside a venue if needed, if I can even eat it. I have to do a lot of research and in advance planning. It's a formula of how much heat, walking and standing I will have to endure that will determine if I will go to a particular event or outing.

  11. Hi artluvr, I have been experiencing almost the same symptoms since the trees started releasing pollen a couple of months ago. It took me a little while to figure out why I was having adrenaline surges and anxiety for no apparent reason. My skin allergy tests came up negative for trees, so I am not classically allergic to the trees by me, and my doctor is scratching his head. After adding flushing and tachycardia to my list of symptoms, my doctor approved increasing my Singulair dosage which is starting to help. In my case, I certainly am having allergic-type reactions in an environment where I am not classically allergic to them. Hayfever symptoms are not as bothersome right now. This has started me down the mast cell activation path, and I'm hoping to see a specialist in the next couple of months. I too was already taking Zyrtec, but all of my symptoms have broken through that as well. Benadryl got me through a couple of rough patches but I'm trying to save that as my rescue medication. It's always good to have something to go to! I highly recommend looking into a low histamine diet. Oh - I have also used Prilosec occasionally and for short courses to get me through some rough spots with stomach distress but it has a delayed reaction. I hope you feel better.

  12. My usual routine is I take 5mg midodrine twice per day, sometimes supplementing with 2.5mg as needed. Recently, I did not feel the need to take the second dose, so I have been taking 2.5mg as needed. I just saw my cardiologist who said that he preferred I take consistent doses and spot treating is not recommended. If you are considering increasing your midodrine, there is one blanket recommendation I can make: INCREASE VERY GRADUALLY (titration is key). At the beginning of my POTS, it took me a while to understand how I felt on the medication and how to adjust. I made the mistake of literally doubling my dosage after my doctor instructed me to but realized after an unpleasant few days, that I should have gradually increased over a series of days. Some of us really do have to increase all doses, some of us just have to add a dose, and this even changes over time. I ended up just needing to add a mid-day dose.

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