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Posts posted by monkerz

  1. I have personally been on a 21 year mission to find out what is wrong with me. Last week I came across this site and have become very interested in the information I have read. I will try to make my story short.

    When I was 19 my heart started to race really bad one day. I was in my marijuana stage and this happend when I was high. After that day , anytime I got high I had a panic attack. I soon quit a month after that episode. Later that month I started to feel light headed. Months later I noticed that my eyelid started to twitch. Doctors said it was stress and to see a psychologist. I did this for three years and my symptoms did not get any better on all the depression medication.

    Over the next 18 years I bounced from doctor to doctor staying with them for up to two years. I have had blood tests, xrays, brain scans, chest scans, stress tests. I have seen ENT specialists, cardiologist, neurologist and so on.

    I do have high blood pressure and take lisinopril. One thing that I started taking 20 years ago is zoloft. I feel that this helps reduce my dizziness by 10-20%. I have tried to wean myself off zoloft over 10 times without success. I go through really bad withdrawal. I wanted to see if the cause of all of this was zoloft related, but I do not think it is.

    My symptoms are all of the following:

    1 - Dizzy 24/7. Gets worse standing. Feel like I am walking on a tilt.

    2 - Mild headaches often

    3 - Pressure on chest and get shortness of breath.

    4 - Breath taken away few times a day for a few seconds

    5 - Random pain in arms and legs.

    6 - Vision freaks out every now and then. Like everything becomes blurry. Eye doctor said they see nothing wrong.

    7 - Wake up tired and stay tired all day long

    8 - Concentration is very poor

    9 - Lots of stomach issues. Cramps and runs.

    Even with all of this, I hide this from the world and still work. I am 40 years old now. Weigh 205. I eat 75% of the time healthy.I live in a city north of Chicago.

    I push myself to workout 3-5 times a week. Its a struggle when lifting weights as I often feel like I am going to blackout. I have never once blacked out, but I know my limit and often get close to passing out due to it.

    I feel as if my symptoms are getting even worse over the past two years. I feel as if I am at the end of the road, but my wife and 3 kids would suffer if I gave up. So I push on. I had a conversation with the wife last week and told her I will start to research once again on my own.

    With all that said, I would like to see if this Pots / Dysautonomia condition might be something I am experiencing. Who ever is reading this, can you answer a few questions please.

    1 - Is this possibly Pots / Dysautonomia ?

    2 - If so, where can I seek help?

    3 - If all of my symptoms are not related to this condition, does anyone know of anyone that suffers from what I am going through? If so, what do they have?

    4 - I have not researched the Mayo Clinic, but does Illinois have one? Does anyone know if they can setup a payment plan? ← might be to random of a question.

    Thanks again for reading my story. Any help or suggestions would be 1000% appreciated as I have hit a dead end in my life.

    Thanks… Chuck

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