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Posts posted by wilsonh5

  1. My daughter has had a continuous headache now for going on 18 months and nothing seems to break it. She was diagnosed with POTS in April of this year and is on medication for it. I talked to her doctors office yesterday and they wanted her to see a headache specialist so an appointment was made for it and was mentioned he will probably do an infusion. Well, today I get a call back from her Neurologist and the headache specialist said that her headaches have gone on too long to be able to do the infusion so they decided the best thing would be to go to the Pediatric Pain Clinic. My questions is has any one gone through this before and what were your experiences? It is a 3 week program she will be an inpatient for 2 weeks then as an outpatient for 1 week.

    Thank you for any feedback you may have on this!

  2. The first neurologist we saw was supposed to be a "headache specialist" and she just told her it was "in her head".

    Then I made an appointment out of our state with another neurologist and he was the one that diagnosed her with POTS. She has been on several things for her headaches. We have tried several chiropractors, massages, acupuncture, herbs, supplements, she has seen approximately a dozen doctors and has been on approximately 20 different medications.

    I have asked her GP about hormones and all he told me was it was a possibility. I am just so frustrated! I feel so sorry for her and I can't do anything to help her. :(

  3. My daughter is 14 and has just recently diagnosed with POTS. She is on Midodrine 10mg 3 times a day, Florinef 0.1mg 2 times a day, Thermotabs 2 tablets 3 times a day, Trazadone 50mg at bedtime and just recently put on Periactin 4mg at bedtime. Her major problem is headaches, she has had a chronic headache for 1 1/2 years now, not a day goes by without a severe headache. I was just wondering what anyone else has tried for this and if anything had helped?

    Thank you for any input you have.

  4. I want to thank you for having this site. My daughter has suffered with chronic migraines for the past 15 months with no relief and we have seen several doctors she has been on a laundry list of medications and everyone kept telling her it was in her head and they couldn't find anything wrong with her. I finally made an appointment with a Pediatric Neurologist at Cleveland Clinic and he ran some tests and determined she has POTS. Praise the LORD we finally have a diagnosis and he has started her on a treatment plan!

  5. My daughter has had chronic daily headaches for 14 months now along with dizziness, temperature changes, and tiredness. 14 months ago she had no illnesses or had never been on any medication other than a multivitamin. It all started right after she had mono and has not gone away. After visiting several doctors out of town and many many medications the last doctor which was a cardiologist says she has autonomic dysfunction and vasodepressor syncope although she has never passed out. The headaches are the most cumbersome for her. He has never tested her for anything so I'm not totally sure but all the tests she has had done are normal. This is getting really frustrating for us she is almost 14 years old and has lost basically a year of her life due to this. Does anyone have any suggestions as to a doctor that my help her? We live in WV.

    Thank you!!!


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