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Posts posted by annabarone

  1. Hi everyone,

    My name is Anna Barone, I am 23 years old and completing my masters degree in art education. I went to college initially to study art, as a studio art major, and hoped to pursue a carreer as a practicing artist or designer...But as everyone here knows healthcare must come first for us, so becoming an art teacher with the security of a good insurance plan was a good compromise. I'm almost done with my program- in fact, after thirteen more weeks of student teaching I'll be set.

    I have POTS syndrome and have experimented with a variety of treatment options over the past six years. My condition is always like a roller coaster- sometimes I'll feel great for a few days or even weeks but I always roll back down. I had a pacemaker initially, but found out it was not the right kind for my condition so I had it removed. Since then, I've pretty much exhausted all of my drug options. I seem to really not respond to drugs as well as others do. Right now I take concerta everyday, just to boost my energy.

    Right now, I'm in my second week of student teaching, and already I've missed the majority. When I started teaching, I wondered if the regularity of an elementary schedule might be good for me in comparison to my crazy college schedule. It seems to be worse than anticipated. I'm out of energy, symtomatic: Migraines, Fainting, Palpitations, Dizziness, and just feeling overwhelmed by my surroundings. I'm so frustrated because I truly love what I'm doing- the kids make me smile and laught all day long, and I think I might even be a good teacher- it feels very natural to me. So, you can understand my frustration...I feel as though I'm not working to my fullest potential because of my condition. I feel like my brain is going, going, going, full of ideas and excited and my body is sleeping or barely awake. I know that I have to be willing to accept less from myself or at least to set more practical goals- But, in the meantime, I am overwhelmed and unable to even make it through a full day. I've tried the obvious: tons of sleep, watching my diet, breakfast, lots of snacks, staying hydrated, and sitting whenever possible. NOthing seems to be working. I know that fatigue is something I have to deal with- but to this extent? I have no idea how I can? I'm so tired my hands are shaking, I'm seeing spots, not focussing, not thinking clearly, feeling my fine motor skills decline, and just feeling like the room, the kids, the noise-all of it is closing in on me in this dizzy crazy kind of way.

    My questions, after such a lengthy opener, are two fold:

    1. I'd really love to know if there are any Teachers who have found ways to adapt in their classrooms? What is your life like? Do you live and breathe for your job because you have no energy for anything else? ARe you able to make it work?

    2. I'd love to know any tips or treatment advice anyone can offer in relation to migraines? I'm allergic to imitrex, and relpax which means I'm allergic to alot of the migraine specific drugs...I'm running out of options!

    3. I'm interested to hear about the successfulness of pacemakers to treat POTS symtoms that sound similar to mine. I pass out fairly regularly, definitely experience heavy, dizzying palpatations, and almost always feel fatigued. Is there anyone who has gotten a pacer specific to POTS and had positive results?

    4. From anyone willing to share, I'd love to hear your advice. I'm 23 and just starting my life. I feel incredibly confused and depressed when I consider my options. My relationships suffer, great guy after great guy seem to disappear as they are introduced to the reality of my life. I feel like if I really try I can work and I can support myself, but then I fear that that's all my life will be about- I'm afraid all of my energy will go into a job and I'll have no time or energy left for anyone else. Finally, I am devastated and constantly consumed by this idea that I may not be able to have kids...No one seems to have any direct answers, which means in the meantime I feel as though I'm in limbo...So I guess that's a big question...I guess if there is anyone who feels like they've handled this, made it through, and found that balance I'd love to hear how and any advice you can offer.

    Thank you so much for any advice you can offer,


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