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autumn bloom

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Posts posted by autumn bloom

  1. I have had Vasovagel Syncope---was told I would eventually grow out of it (still waiting for that), migrianes, kidney stones, and endometriosis since my teens. I was diagnosed with chronic leukopenia and anemia by my hematologist and given multiple infusions of iron, various meds and had a bone marrow done. I am gluten free (for almost a year now and it has not made a difference), GMO free (another wholistic suggestion), and uterus free (the anemia became too difficult to battle with a never ending menstral cycle). I was told I had a "retro-virus." Although my white counts remain abnormally low, I do not get ill. I think the few white cells I do have are super white cells. I always thought the POTS diagnosis was just the FINAL diagnosis---I thought it just explained everything I have been dealing with since youth all thrown together in one POT (so to speak). I am new to this site. Wish a couple of the doctors I have seen in the past would educate themselves regarding this disorder. I have been dismissed time and again by doctors that are considered the "top in their fields."

  2. Hi. I have beed officially diagnosed with POTS for three years--Vasovagel Syncope since my teens. My weight has always been very low and easy to manage. I am often nauseated and eat/drink to settle my stomach. However, since I began all the POTS meds, I have gained almost 20 pounds---I thought the weight gain was the inactivity. I drink a lot---mostly sugary drinks as too much water makes me sick. I joined Weight Watchers a year ago (even though I am not over weight according to their guidelines) and they feel it is menopause or a "plateau." Whatever you want to call the weight gain, it only came along with the POTS and the medications.

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