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Posts posted by Emmyjewel

  1. I also have coronary spasms and or cmvd (coronary micro vascular dysfunction). Look them up- far easier to get the facts that way. U might find your symptoms fit the profile.

    An indicator of whether it is likely to be one or both of these conditions (often they present together) is if the medication nitroglycerin works. If u r given nitro tablets, dissolve one under your tongue during symptoms, and your pain is relieved.. Very good indicator.

    In saying that, nitro does relieve esophageal pain too.. But an upper endoscopy and barium swallow can rule out esophageal issues.

    Getting coronary artery spasms or coronary microvascular disease diagnosed is a long and frustrating process.. It does not often present with normal cardiac testing. Please look them up.. Because if u have it it does need to be managed and not ignored.

  2. Chest pain, tightness, squeezing

    Arm, jaw, upper back pains

    Sweaty hands and feet

    Nausea waves

    Frequent trips to the toilet (number twos)

    Tingling type of numbness in hands or arm

    These symptoms often come in waves of 2 or more together., eg- chest pain, sweaty hands/feet, toilet - all at once.

    I understand that these can be symptoms for other conditions.. But I'm really just wanting to know if many others believe that all of these can be common for our condition.. Thank u!

  3. Thank u for responses. Yes Ive had lots of ecgs, echoes, holter monitors. I used to get thousands of ectopics a day, but had an ablation 3 years ago. For about 3 years is how long I've had the 'heart attack' symptoms. Left sided squeezing, gripping in the chest, arm pain, back pain, lightheadedness, nausea.. I get episodes of these symptoms at various degrees. Frightening, but have been to ER quite a few times and they don't know. Only once had a mild troponin rise.

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